Waddup niggas. my name is dejón (or "de" for short) Im 16 years old and go to a school named Sunny Oaks High (made up) in Los Angeles California. i live with my Mom, Erika, and my dad, James. And a little sister named ramina her lil badass is 3... And speaking of 3.. I have 3 best bitches.. Angela (ang), Camila (cam), and stacy.. We are IN LOVE with a group called Mindless behavior. They are just... THE SHIT right now. And one day while im at my "took me soo damn long to get the money to get it" dance studio, i get the biggest surprise ever. Later on alot of shit happens. So sit back, and read my lifes story
How is it so far?
And ill start when im almost done with true thug love
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