Chapter 1.

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"Oh my Gosh I freaking hate you!"I screamed my blood is boiling at this point who does he think he is?

"Woah there little one don't speak such big words."He calmly replies.

Does he want me to slap him because I'm not far from it.I hate him so much that it's to the point nobody understands.

Hi did I forget to introduce myself, oh silly me I'm a little caught up in the moment. My names Nicole Colmen(Nikki for short) and let me tell you how this whole situation started before I start you off confused.

3 Hours Before...

"School School School oh how much I hate you."I sang quietly to myself as I walked down the corridor.

I scan through the numbers and there 1155 I unlocked my locker and dumped all my stuff into it.

Then I got my maths book out and slam the door shut. I look up and get startled by a rare species of Tyson Wood standing  in front of me.

"Good to see you too little one."I glared at him, just because I'm short doesn't make me a 'little one' to him.

"What do you want Woody?"I smirk at him knowing he hates being called that.

"I need some help,it's urgent like really urgent."He tries to catch my attention but I'm to busy pretending to busy.

"Oh sorry what I was pretending to listen to you all I saw was your mouth moving."I smile as I can see that he is slowly starting to become inpatient with me.

Which in my book is exactly what I want.

"Okay I'm going to say this again one more time and this time listen."He drags on the listen at the end as if I'm stupid and have no idea of what I'm doing.

"I'm having a party while our parents goes on that holiday retreat thing they were talking about this morning."I gaze at him amused.

"Is this the super important thing that you needed to tell me?"I questioned still not understanding the purpose of what he is getting at.

"Yes it is."Now I'm mad.

"So your disturbing my day to tell me that your having a party while our parents are gone on that retreat thing again how is this my business."I hate that the fact that our parents are best friends he thinks hes welcome to ask me for help.

"I need you to help me set up and get drinks and food."Is he kidding me right now.

"So let me get this straight you want me to lie to our parents for you? Please tell me what I get in return."I'm the only who knows how to get what I want off Tyson I've known him too long for any of his small tricks to work on me.

I'm going to enjoy this,he seems to be deep in thought when I tell him that there is no way he can make me go through all of that without something in return.

"Come back to me when you have a way to pay me back."I tell him as I start to walk away.

"So what I'm hearing is you'll do it."I can see him smiling as I look behind me.

"Don't get your hopes up this is only a slight bit over a maybe."I call back to him he waves at me.

After walking for ages I'd finally made it to my maths class. Damn this school and all the classes being so apart from each other. Just because I want to do maths doesn't mean I have to do a 5 mile walk to get there.

I sit down in my normal seat sandwiched between Josh Fisher a meat head jock and Ally Monroe a more quiet girl.

I opened my book and he just seemed to be blabbing on about frequency or something like that .The more he talked the more that I felt that I was going to fall asleep right on the spot.

"Nikki would you like to come and solve the second equation on the board please." Mr.Tucker asked as if I wasn't paying attention.If anything I'm the queen of paying attention.

"No Sir I wouldn't."I do not want to go up to the board and answer work that I have never seen in my life.

"It wasn't a question come and answer the question on the board."I grumbled as I got up my chair and went to the board.

I could here the sniggers of my classmates behind me. I don't even know what to do. Try to write something but I'm so nervous that the pen is wobbling in my hand.

"It thought you were a genius Nikki that you'd be able to answer all the questions without listening." This man is mocking me how dare he.

" Detention tomorrow after school maybe there you'll learn how to listen when you need to."

This is why I hate Mr Tucker when he's annoyed, he spreads it on other people like last semester when we got our test back because Rebecca asked why she got a C-.

He failed everyone down by one grade for no reason but apparently he was going through his divorce and wasn't even acting like a human being.

After another 5 hours of my life the bell finally rang.

I grabbed all my stuff and speed walked out of the classroom. If I had spent any longer in there I would have probably ended up.

When are we ever going to need to do an equation after we leave school NEVER EVER so it's all a waste of precious time.

I finally find my car and get in I throw my books in the back and start driving.

"Hello from the other side!"The radio starts to sing as I turn it up.

"Nope not listening to that rubbish."I mutter to myself as I turn it back down.

I hum to myself as I drive home.I just think when do I get a break.

Hellllo it's probably really bad sorry about that :) but I tried if anyone ever reads this tell me what you think.

Toyosi x

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