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Yup that's Kimmie aka Ashley Benson. Aka my queen aka just life goals in general

Kimmie woke from her 2 hour slumber, still flustered from last night. She went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, the meat from last night sitting there waiting to be cooked. She gasped as she strictly remembered seeing it drained of blood after banging the man on the head. Though she wasn't sure she knew it was a man, his shape and hair where like it.

She smiled to herself thinking it was just a mere dream. As she was cooking the meat she started to wonder why she was having these strange encounters with the shadow man. Being a hopeless romantic, she naturally thought it might be a man who's taken a liking in her and just can't stop wanting to see her. The idea danced in her head as she swooned over the thought, sadly it was true. Kimmie felt lonley and longed for love, making this situation something exciting but she also thought of another guy. 'No' she though, Zayn doesn't like her she thinks. After having to convince herself it was a dream, and stop daydreaming about her crush, she ate her steak and did her daily chores for it was summer and nothing couldn't be better than the weather. She entered the shop which she currently worked at and started to buy things. She wasn't on duty but did need a thing or two. After a while of picking out goldfish to munch on and getting cheese sliced for her sandwiches she decided to call it a day.

"Hey Zayn", she said as she loaded her groceries onto the conveyor belt.

He smiled,"hey what's up?"

"Nothing much just buying a little bit of stuff", she answered as Zayn gave her a look.

"Ok but it's a lot but you should know about my love for food already", she giggles as he laughs while scanning the items. She had taken a big liking to Zayn after she started working here a year ago, they instantly became best friends. Kimmie didn't know but Zayn was very fond of her aswell, he thought she was perfect.

"All done love, see ya!", he called out as she took her cart of groceries and waved back at him.

Walking out as the sun set she felt someone watching her, she turned around seeing that Zayn wasn't looking at her. Starting to feel unsafe she drive home and by that time it was 6, Kimmie was bothered by the fact that she took up her whole day for chores she wanted to watch some films but she had work tomorrow. Setting her groceries on the counter she heard her tv turn on as she ran to it feeling unsettled. Somehow it was on the local news channel which she never watches, making things even creepier.

"Third time a victim is found brutally murdered, sources say there is no evidence on three of the attacks.", the reporter says as a worried Kimmie stares at the screen. 'Those poor people and their families, they must be devastated', she thought. Grabbing the tv remote she turned it off to go take a shower.


Water drips down into the drain as Kimmie washes away the day. Work is going to start soon and in the summer it gets very packed with families shopping more than usual. Stopping the shower she felt as if she was being watched, looking at the curtain the same silhouette showed itself. She screamed as the power went off leaving a whimpering Kimmie in the darkness as thunder rattled though the house.

Looking around she found her loofa stick and used it to push the curtain open as she trembled. Just a dark bathroom, after a couple minutes she had the guts to get out of her shower. Walking around the dark creepy house every noise was scary, even the drops of rain pounding harshly on the roof. She made it to her living room still holding her loofa stick as if it were a sword, she clung to her towel as her breath got heavy. Then the quiet house filled with the sounds of someone pounding on the door as the frightened girl screams also tripping over and falling.

She looks at the door as it keeps getting pounded as she screams,"Go away! Go away!"

Tears stream down her face as the door smacks open showing a figure, it runs towards her as she tries to hit it with her loofa stick. It grabs her as she keeps hitting it while holding her towel.

"Kimmie stop! What's wrong!," the man screams as she realizes it's Zayn. She stops and hugs him, she starts cry in relief knowing he was here for her. They separate as she sees Zayn in his raincoat soaking wet, she laughs as he keeps a serious face.

"Are you ok? Why were you screaming?", he asks as he looks around her home.

"I thought I saw a person in my bathroom when the lights turned off, I just got spooked when you were pounding on my door.", she explains as he laughs. Zayn had always been protecting Kimmie ever since he met her, he felt as if it was his job to keep her safe. Since he was just three houses down it was an easy task.

"You must've scared them off with your mighty loofa stick.", he laughs as he holds it up. Kimmie slaps him on the arm as she adjusts her towel.

"Well I'm going to get changed, um I have tea if you want some.", she tells him as he stares at her realizing what she had on. Zayn nodded as he looked away, he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

As Kimmie walked up she kept questioning herself. "Could I be going mad?"

"Was that real?"
"Should I tell Zayn?"
"I'm most likely crazy!"

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