His Regrets:a Doctor Who Roleplay

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     Welcome Roleplayers to "His Regrets" a Doctor Who Roleplay! Now, this is a very serious Roleplay, so here are a few rules/guidlines I expect you all to follow:

1: All things OCC MUST be put into (( ))

2: Be Punctual and use Correct Grammar! Capitalization and Punctuation is a definite must!

3: Don't be rude. Be respectful to all Roleplayers! You may only talk rudely to someone IF it's part of the Roleplay!

4: Visit the page regularly! Don't post a character and than dissappear for days at a time! If you aren't around and being active during the Roleplay, you will most likely be booted from the Roleplay. BUT, if you have an honest excuse why you were late and you can promise to get back in the swing of things, you will be allowed to stay.

5: No God Roleplaying! If you make you character better than everyone else and make him/her invinsible, you will be asked to either make a new character or remove yourself from the Roleplay!

6: Try and stick to the storyline! Yes. There is a storyline to all of these Roleplays, and I expect you to follow them as best you can! If you need to know the storyline, check out the Book Description! 

7: Be a descriptive Roleplayer! Don't put One Sentence responses, that makes the Roleplaying experience boring for everybody!

     Alrighty. That's all the Rules, now for the Character Sheet, but, try and fill this out in the best detail you can! Don't just put "bad girl, does drugs, is abused by dad" as your Character Description... That will definetly get you a request from me saying that you must make a new, more descriptive character. Also, stick to the Character Sheet Outline as best as you can. I (Along with all of the other Roleplayers) want to know everything about your Character!

Name of Character: Be something reasonable... You want to be able to let your fellow Roleplayers be able to correctly spell out your name during the Roleplay session! The only way to have an outrageous name is if you include a nickname that other can call you by.

Age of Character: Try and be Doctor Who Age realistic... If you're a Time Lord, be old. If you're a human, be a reasonable age. If you're an alien... Just make something up.

Gender: If your character is a Genderless/Gender switching/ shapeshifting character put down what gender they usually appear as.

Role of Character: What are you? Time Lord? Dalek? Cyberman? Human? Tell us what you are! But please remember, not everybody can be a Time Lord. I'm thinking maybe only 3 people, other than myself, should be a Time Lord. Everything ese, use it however you want! Also, You can make a Creature up! But if you do, include special powers/abilities/appearance/ and relations with the Doctor in there somewhere! If you're wanting to be a companion, there can only be 4! One for each Doctor! They can be of any Gender or race!

Mental Description of Character: Type down all the feelings your character experiences, mental instabilities, the way your Character acts, and reasons why all this happens to you. BE DESCRIPTIVE YOU LAZY BUMS!

Physical Description of Character: You know how this category goes! Be as descriptive as you can when explaining what your Character looks like and why they look the way they do! Try and Include links to pictures showing us what you based your character atributes off of!

Special Abilities: What can your character do that others can't? Be descriptive and give links to gifs/pictures of the abilites you can do!

     And finally...

Any other Gifs/Pictures/Descriptions that you feel we need to know: You don't HAVE to do this final category, but it sure would be nice if you added a little something-something here that will help us grasp your character more.

     To set something straight, I will be playing the Doctor that Doctor Who is based off of. If you attempt to be the Doctor, even if you change the name and a few physical/mental attributes and abilites, you will be asked to make a new character.

     Thank you very much for participating in this Doctor Who Roleplay!

     If you have any Questions/Concerns/Complaints, please feel free to leave me a Private Message! :)

     If you would like to request a roleplay! Go and visit my Work entry titled "Roleplay Requests and Modification Suggestions" You can read all about it there!

     My Character is down in the comments. If you would like to be my Companion, go ahead and ask me in the Comments (Politely please...) and if you would like to be one of the other 3 Doctor's Companions, ask them (Again. Please do it politely.)

     Cheers guys.

     Live it. Love it. Play it.

     Roleplayers United.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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