chapter 1

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I finally finished packing my last bag for England, I was moving there to with my best friend of all time, Jaci. We are going to live there for the rest of our lives. Yes, we were practicly running away, but not illegally, we are both 18 , but then again, our 'so called' parents don't know or won't find we're gone until after we are there.

It's not like they are going to bother looking for us though. I'll explain the 'parent' situation : Well, me and Jaci were both abused all our lives . Both our parents are like best friends and together, they are just pure evil.

There was this one time, when we were five , Our dads took turns cutting us on our stomachs with a knife. It just makes me shudder thinking about it. Now I'll explan me and Jaci's friendship, We were born on the same day, same hospital, and same mom. Um, yeah My mom actually gave birth to her, then gave her to Jaci's 'mom' , oh and did I mention we are twins?

Yeah you would guess, so I practicly have a sister for my best friend, and our parents said that we were never leaving home, haha we'll see about that. Now, back to present time. "Jace?" I asked my friend who was doing something over in the corner. "Yeah?" "Err, whatcha doin?" She turned around a little so I can see. "I'm writing a letter to our 'moms' saying how we never loved them and we hate them and other stuff , since it's 3 am, I'll leave this in the kitchen for a little surprise for them to wake up to." She said giving me a huge smirk.

"Ha-ha , let's get going, we have to get to the airport." So with that, we dropped the note in the kitchen not telling them where we were, picked up our new cell phones so they can't track us, and left out the door ready for a new life.

Because I Said So. (A Zayn/Niall Fanfiction) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now