Have you given up?

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[Louis' POV]

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[Louis' POV]

I was waiting for Liam to finish his part, staring off into thin air, and avoiding looking a certain person's way. I noticed some fans staring a me worriedly, as I nervously bit the inside of my cheek, and looked down at my uninteresting Vans.

"Louis," I heard that sweet, and raspy voice call out for me quietly. I completely ignored Harry, glaring down at the sweaty stage floor. I walked to the back, getting ready to grip a water bottle, until another hand grabbed ahold of it, before me. "Louis."

"Hey mate, not in the mood, I got it first!" I groaned in frustation, until I noticed Harry's built structure was standing in front of me, towering over me immensely. "Great."

I send him a blank expression, and snatched the water bottle from his hands.

"Louis, can we talk about-" I interrupted him,  singing my part for 18, as soon as I was on stage.

"I have loved you since we were 18, long before we both thought the same thing," I looked over at Harry, glaring at him in the process. Then, Harry took a pause before singing his part, as I mouthed to him, "long before everything broke."

"To be loved, and to be in love," Harry looked back at me. I sighed, walking towards the cat walk, and smiling for the sake of the girls. I took a sip from my water, not bothering to join the boys for the ending.

"Alright," Liam shouted over the screaming of the fans. "Seems like Tommo, is still a bit tipsy, aren't ya?"

"Oi!" I scowl at him, not wanting for everyone to know about my unexpected desire to drink the night before a show. "You sure do know how to keep a secret, Payne."

I rolled my eyes at him, but smiled when I noticed the girls from front row were enjoying our small discussion. The majority of them were laughing, some of them smiling our way.

"Everyone has their secrets," Harry loudly announced in the microphone. The crowd suddenly roared at Harry's comment, high pitched screams heard from everywhere, and suddenly the girls from the front row were tearing up. I looked over at Harry confused, noticing his eyes were glued to me. "Some may be bad, but other secrets are meant to be kept to yourself."

"I have a secret!" Liam suddenly laughed. "I actually absolutely hate-"

"When people don't understand how beautiful some secrets are?" I forced myself to not look at Harry.

It was quiet difficult, considering the girls were pointing at him, and sobbing. The crowd was louder than ever, and Niall appeared on the big screen, looking more worried than ever.

"Uh," Liam mumbled into the microphone. "Thanks Harry, you don't have to give away some of the lyrics of our next album!"

He was a terribly liar, definetely.

But somehow, he managed to convice the fans that Harry was talking about upcoming tunes. The fans nodded their heads,  but most of them screamed even louder.

"Oops?" I immediately turned to Harry, glaring at him. "My mistake."

I furiously turned away from him, walking towards backstage, and placing my microphone in Lou's hands.

"Louis, ignore him!" She called out, but I ignored her, running to the dressing room, and locking the door behind me.

Bad move, I know. Alright fine, horrible move. I shouldn't have run off, but Harry just, god what that boy does to me. I honestly cannot grip the idea that he actually said that in front of everyone.

"Louis, don't be ridiculous, open up." And I did, knowing Harry was standing on the other side. I welcomed him in with a punch in the jaw. "God, bloody hell, Louis!"

"Don't ever do that to me again!" I shouted, walking back and forth between him and the couch. "Who do you think you are?! You can't just freely talk about secrets, and mistakes in front of everyone, Harry!"

"Then what?" He talked quietly. He wasn't screaming, I want him to scream. "You would have never allowed me to talk to you, either I did this, or I would have never said it. You would have walked off on me, and not let me explain."

"Explain what?" I sarcastically remarked. "How a few days ago you told the press I was the one you were most distanced from? Telling them what you hate about me, and how our, 'friendship' changed?"

"I didn't do this, because I wanted," Harry talked in small pauses, growling his words out.  "I was doing this to protect you, they were going to make you take a 'break' from tour, and force you to tell the media, it was because you couldn't handle another second with us!"

I closed my eyes momentarily.

I can't believe this, I just can't.

"Do you know how bad it would make you seem if you 'admitted' you hated touring with us?!" Now he was shouting, gripping my shoulder roughly, and looking directly into my eyes. "I don't want you getting hurt Louis," He paused, his chest rising and falling slowly."but I guess it still ended up that way."

His grip loosened, and his eyes softened.

"It didnt," I sigh, cupping his face with my hands, and letting my index finger linger a bit longer by his jawline. I stood up on my tip toes, trailing kisses along his jawline. I felt him relax, and let out a long sigh. "I love you Harry, thank you for protecting me, protecting us."

"Don't give up on us Louis," Harry said weakly. "Their is going to be worst things coming upon us, and I want to know if you're going to overcome them, and try, for me."

"I will."

"I love you, Louis, more than anything in the world."


Jan here yooo,

My first time writing imagines, and well, hope you like it!(:

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