Its official

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Jazmin's P.O.V

"But miss it wasn't me" the girl pleaded "Victoria please I just want to hear both sides of the story" the principal said in a monotone voice glaring at her "what ever" she sneered looking down, her rat nest of a hair covering her face "ok so Jazmin can you please tell me what happened" the principal asked looking at me "well.. She started calling me names, and one of them was about my virginity so I told her that I was still a virgin and she just laughed after that she said that my boyfriend could change that and then she walked up and kissed him" I said in an innocent voice "and then" she nudged "and then I told her to stop but she just steeped back and hit three times in the eye, nose and stomach but I protected myself pushing her back a little" I said even more innocently "well then" she said looking at Victoria surprised "ok Victoria your turn" she said as she wrote down some notes. After Victoria explained the real story the principal said this "ok so now that I have herd both stories I believe Jazmin, I'm sorry but Jazmin is an A grade student and has never been in detention but Victoria this has happened before" she explained as a smirk covered my face "but mis-" Victoria was cut off  "no buts Victoria you will be spending two weeks in detention and Jazmin you are to go to the nurses office right away" she explained as Victoria had an angry look on her face "thank you miss" I said innocently standing up "your welcome I hope I don't have to see you both in my office again" she replied as we walked out.

"Luke" I questioned as I looked to the side to see Luke sitting in a chair out side the office "oh hey babe" he said innocently "what did you do" I asked narrowing my eyes at him as I stood in front of him "it's a long story" he said smiling "see you later whore" Victoria muttered "do you really want to do that again" I challenged "fuck you" she sneered before walking out the office doors "fake bitch" I muttered before Luke chuckled and pulled me onto his lap, snaking his arms around my waist. I closed my eyes as I rested my head on his "you know we haven't actually made this official" Luke said in a husky voice "what" I asked as I grabbed his hand drawing circles in it "our relationship" he said in a duh tone "and what are you going to do about that" I whispered in his ear smirking "this" he whispered suductivly before kissing me passionately on the lips "Jazmin.. Will you be my girlfriend" he asked after he pulled away "no" I said plainly "what" he asked looking at me like he had just seen a ghost "I'm joking calm down... Of course I will be your girlfriend" I smiled kissing him again "so it's official then" I said with a smile "yeah" he said before kissing me on the forehead and hugging me tightly "next" the principal yelled signalling luke to go in "I love you" he said before giving me a peck on the lips and walking into the room "I love you to" I said before I sat there waiting for him to return.

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