Summer with Harry (:

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It's summer and you're taking a trip to London with (Y/F/N), your best friend. You guys are relaxing on the beach just tanning and listening to some music. After some time, you two decide to go for a swim. You're walking around in the water, just up to your thighs, and you back into someone. you turn around about to say sorry, but then realize that its Harry Styles, from One Direction. You look at each other and he says, "Oh I'm sorry, love." You smile and look to (Y/F/N). You guys give a smile that pretty much says 'oh my god?' Then you turn back around and he is gone. You try and look for him, but he is no where in sight. You turn to (Y/F/N) and just go back to walking around in the water. After a bit, you girls head back to your towels and things. On your way back, someone falls right in front of you. You are talking to (Y/F/N) and don't see him and you fall over him as well. You look and it's Harry again. "Wow, that's two times today you knocked into me." You shoot him a smile and say, "Well this time it was your fault." He laughs a bit. He gets up and helps you. (Y/F/N) is recording all of this on her phone for whatever reason she has. When Harry grabbed your hands to help you up, something happened. You looked into his eyes, and he looked into yours. You felt like there was nobody around, just you an Harry. It felt like time had stopped. But then Louis came and was calling for Harry. Everything started coming back. (Y/F/N) smiled at you and Harry. Louis found him and said, "Harry, mate, come on. We have to go!" Harry jumped a bit and realized what was going on. He was still holding your hands. Louis pulled him away but Harry stopped him. "Mate, come on, we have to go now." Louis says. "Give me a minute." Harry responded. "Hey, I was wondering if you would like to come with us? I just know that for the rest of the day, I wont be able to stop thinking about you. so what do you say?" You opened your mouth and nothing came out. You just looked at (Y/F/N). She was shaking her head like crazy saying yes. You looked back at Harry and shook your head yes. "Awesome, lets go get your stuff. And your friend can come to." He says. You four walk back to your stuff. You girls put your shorts and tank tops on and walk with Harry and Louis back to their car. "So what do you have to do?" you ask. "Nothing major. Just an interview and photo shoot." Louis says not looking back to say it. "Oh cool. I've always wanted to know what it was like at a photo shoot." (Y/F/N) says, really excited. You all laugh. when you get to the car, you put your things in the trunk and get in. Niall, Liam and Zayn were there was well. They were already in the car, ready to go. "Who are these lovely girls?" Liam asked, being his sweet self. "This is, um..." Harry started. "I'm (Y/N) and this is my friend (Y/F/N)." "Yeah." Harry says looking at you then the boys. "Oh well, its nice to meet you both." says Liam. "Well come on then. hop in!" Niall says. You, (Y/F/N), Harry, and Louis get in the car. Louis is driving, Liam, Niall and Zayn are in the back, you, Harry and (Y/F/N) are in the middle. "So here is the interview?" (Y/F/N) asks. "Its just like 5 minutes away actually. its for a radio station." Louis answers. "And what about your clothes? Are you just going like that?" You ask laughing a bit. "We have extra clothes in our bags. But what bout you? Are you going like that?" Zayn says with a bit of sass. All you do is laugh and stick your tongue out at him. Niall laughs. "I don't look that bad, do I?" You ask. "Of course not!" Harry says immediately. You look at him and smile. "Thanks. At least Someone thinks I look good right now!" You say to Zayn. All Zayn does is look down and smile.

Louis pulls into the parking lot of the building. You all pile out and meet up with Paul. "Hey guys. Who are these girls?" He asks looking at you and your friend. "This is (Y/N) and her friend (Y/F/N)." Harry introduces you. "We meet them at the beach." Louis says. "Oh well, its nice to meet you girls. Now come on guys. We have to get you boys upstairs. The boys change and get set up in the room. You and(Y/F/N) stay with Paul in the corner of the room. The interview starts and the radio host is asking the boys the usual questions. Like "What has been going on, on the tour?" "Are You making any more music?" And also asking some fan questions like "How are the 1D girlfriends?" and "Is Niall and Harry still single?" But when the host asked that question, Harry looked directly at you. The boys and the host saw his gaze and looked at you as well. "Oh so Harry, you do have your eyes on someone." He smiled and said, "I do." not taking his eyes off of you. "Ohhhhh" all the boys say. "Oh and what is this girls' name, Harry?" The host asked. "Her name is (Y/N)." Your eyes never left Harry. You had a shocked look, but with a smile. "So for everyone listening, Harry has just confirmed that he has found a girl. And she is here right now. Why don't we get her on the air." The host said. You couldn't speak. (Y/F/N) pushed you forward and you skidded towards the boys. You sat down next to Harry. Well you technically sat on Harry's lap because the room wasn't all that big. "So now we have the boys of One Direction and Harry's new girl. So tell us, Harry. How did you two meet?" "Well, we actually meet not that long ago." Harry started and the boys and (Y/F/N)  laughed. You managed a smile as well. "And to be honest, it was love at first sight." "Aww." everyone said in unison. You blushed and looked at the ground. You brushed your hair back ad looked back up at Harry. "And what about you, (Y/N)? How did you feel?" Never leaving Harry's gaze, you answered, "It was definitely love at first sight." You smiled, as did Harry. The interview ended within 15 minutes you joined in. You guys had fun and played some music. After, Harry pulled you aside for a minute. "Harry, what's going on? is everything okay?" He just stared at you with his emerald green eyes. Just then, his lips crashed onto yours and you had the most passionate kiss. When he broke away, you opened your eyes and smiled so big. "(Y/N), I meant what I said back there." "That it was love at first sight." you interrupt. "Yeah." You kissed him one more time. "What was that for?" he asked. "Because you were right." Harry smiled his famous smile. "Aww!!" The boys and (Y/N) all said. You and Harry both blushed big time and looked to the ground. "Look, they even look at the ground together." Louis said. Harry shot Lou a look a d he put his hands up in defense. "Oh just ask her out already!" screamed Niall. "Stop It!" (Y/F/N) said and hit Niall playfully in the arm. "(Y/N), will be my girlfriend, please?" Harry asked bringing you closer to him. You smile and look deep into his eyes. "Yes Harry. I will." He smiled and he brought you into a passionate kiss. "Ew! Get a room!" yelled Zayn. "We are in a room." you said, full of sass. "Oh man. You are just like Lou with the sassy mouth." Zayn said playfully. You laughed. "Okay guys, come on, Now we got the photo shoot to do. (Y/N)? (Y/F/N)? Are you coming with us?" asked Paul. You looked at Harry and he shook his head yes. "Why yes, yes we are." you answered. "Okay then. Well lets go. its about and hour from here, so we gotta get going." Paul said holding the door open to leave. "Hop on." Harry said gesturing for you to get on his back for a piggy-back ride. You hop on his back and he leaves out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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