As I grew up...

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Growing up in my shoes, I wrestled with the boys while making them cry and beg for help from me as I pushed them in mud. I just saw boys as friends and toys didn't think I'd ever want to be with one...ever?

My sisters would trick me into kissing there boy friends at an extremely young age,which scared me into not ever wanting to like a "boy" because I just thought it was disgusting! I continued to grow and so did d my body... I still would wrestle and beat on them , as I had always done ! As I entered, the 6th grade my so called "friends" saw me differently always tried saying flirty things which I still didn't agree with. But, there happens to be one boy I grew very fond of he was ...well...I thought was "different in a good way!!! We only were exclusive for 3 whole days... In 6th grade that was like a year on Mars...haha! Excuse my humor!

Anyways, he broke up with me and took back his watch and started to date a girl I was best friends with in 4th grade, I was so betrayed that I wanted to torment the male population!
As I grew older, to my age now...this story reminds me of the fact how romance can start out at any age really? And, how it ends could start you on your journey through life. The trick is to learn to forgive and let go of those negative things because they can continue to eat at you like a full fledged parasite, by the time you actually realize the parasite is eating you from the inside out, it maybe too late? All depends on when you notice!

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