chap 4

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Ashleys pov
"So little fighter girl"says max
Everyone ran different ways and Jackson pulled me to my house we get there we go inside and to his room because he lives there with us i guess he grabs a pair of swim sorts and he grabs a bikini he has in his room for some reason"whats up with the bikini in your room" i say alittle confused he laughs "its my ex girlfriends she left it here you can use it"
"Ok" i say alittle nervous beacuse i cant swim we bith get changed (not in the same room you pervs) and we walk down the stairs to the door we get to the bottom step and the door flings open and a guy that must be my dad comes in i just walk pass him we go down to thw beach right imfront of my house the rest of them were already there i hade a tanktop on and pants to hide my scares they are all in the ocean and im jsut sitting there sweating niall comes up and sits down "are you warm in that?" He asks "No dip" i say and giggle alittle he gets up and walkes to the water they went thisbis my chance i take the shirt amd pants of my scars.get revealed when i heard a gasp frim behind me i looked back it was niall i went to put the cloty back on but he stopped me he just stared at them wow now he hates me that is completely awesome he jsut stares more than he does something that was surprising he hugged me i felt safe with him and nice with him i think i was falling for him and falling hard hard he suprised me more by KISSING me he lookes at me tears for in my eyes as i run away

Hope you enjoy

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