Escaping the nightmare

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I couldnt feel my body. I couldnt feel much of anything.

All i could do was dream. Dream of a world filled with nothingness. A world filled with despair, anger, loneliness. A world i was trying hard to change.

But i failed. How can i stop it when im stuck in this god forsaken chamber. A chamber that has drained me of my powers. Without them, i cant do anything.

Why is that when i was so close to my goal, my mission to destroy her, i fail? Now she has me trapped like a rat. And i dont know what she will do to me. My own mother.

So i close my eyes and continue to dream. Because that is all i can do.

I felt myself drifting. Just floating through space, time, i do not know. But when i opened my eyes, i saw that i was in an unfamiliar place. This place felt to warm, to bright, so i knew i was not in my time. I scanned around and saw that i was in what appeared to be a school room. I saw windows showcasing a bright sunny day, birds chirping in the air, and there was a slight breeze coming through. I turned around and saw that there were only three people in the room. I stepped toward the orange haired women sitting in the front of the room. I couldnt hear what she was saying, but it looked like she was scolding the other two occupants.

'Hmm. She must be the school teacher.' I followed her line of sight and saw that the other two people in the room were young male students. The one on my right looked older and had an arrogant air to him. His feet were propped up on his desk and he had his hands placed behind his head. He had short blonde hair and was wearing a large trench coat. Just looking at him made me sick. People who thought to highly of themselves made me sick.

Turning my eyes toward the other student, i could tell that he must be the loner type. He had this scowl on his face and his head was facing down. He had brown, slightly spiky hair and was wearing a black leather jacket that had white fur on the hood. Stepping closer to him, he turned his head up slowly and stared right into my eyes.

I dont know if he saw me or not, but i felt like he knew i was there. He just continued to stare at me with these sad grey eyes. I felt this strange feeling go through my chest. I do not know what it was but i felt like i wanted to know why he looked so sad.

Before i could do anything though, i felt myself shaking. I started to get this painful ringing in my ear and i felt myself being pulled away. Away from the boy with the sad grey eyes.

"Mistress? Mistress, wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes to see one of my servants standing at my chamber door. But thats impossible because she had them all put to death. Right in front of my eyes.

Closing my eyes again, i try to go back to sleep. Sleeping was so much more easier then trying to stay awake in a world i didnt want to be apart of anymore. I try to think back on what i was dreaming of. But it would not come to me. As hard as i could try, all i could remember was a pair of grey eyes.

"Mistress please, wake up! You cant stay here any longer!" I heard the voice again and tried to close my eyes tighter. Wishing this apparition would go away.

"Go away spirit. Leave me to suffer in this chamber alone." I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my frail body and lift me up off the floor.

"We have to get her out of here before Ultimacia returns." I slowly opened my eyes and saw that this was no ghost. This was flesh and bone.

"Darling? Is that really you?" I felt moisture on my face and when i reached for it, i found that i was crying.

My servant,Darling, looked down at my face and smiled fondly at me. He was one of my most trusted servants. He was six foot four, with a strong physique, green eyes, and short black hair. He was the one i was able to tell my secrets to. My plans for eliminating my mother. "Shh. Dont speak, Mistress." 'I told him to stop calling me that.' "You have been in that room for over two months with no food or water. And i dont want you to over exert yourself. Not now when we need to get away from here."

I was having a hard time concentrating on what he was saying. My head felt like someone was beating a drum on it. I couldnt feel my body. I turned my eyes slowly and saw someone following after us. Before i could panic though, my mind was able to register the stranger as a scientist. Where they came from i do not know. There are no real living humans in this time period. My mother saw to that.

"Shh, just try to concentrate on my voice ok. Remelda here is going to take us somewhere to keep you safe." I heard what he was saying but was still having a hard time understanding. I saw that we were running through the hall of the tower. The black and decaying walls zooming past.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness, only barely noticing us enter a room i didnt know existed in the dungeons. A door appeared out from behind a statue of a demon slaying an angel, and stairs leading down.

I do not know how far we descended before we entered a large room filled with this huge machine. Trying to describe it was dificult, but it was like an electric doorframe hanging on the wall. Little sparks of light were bouncing off the metal sides, while the door itself, if you could call it that, looked almost transclusent and had a slight shimmer to it.

"Is it ready to go, Professor?" Darling asked the scientist running ahead of us now.

"Scientifically speaking, yes it is ready to go. But personally speaking, i do not know if it will work or even what time period it will send you. We have not been able run tests on it but we have no choice at this time." The scientist lady started pressing some buttons on a computer stationed next to the machine. All of a sudden, the machine started to flash and the doorway was starting to shine.

I didnt understand what was going on, but what i did know was that this was our only hope for survival. I looked up at Darling and saw that he was coming up with the same conclusion as me.

Darling started to walk towards the door way but stopped and looked at Remelda. "Thank you for helping us. Stay safe." She gave us an encouraging smile and waved us good bye. I didnt know if we were ever going to see her again. What she is doing going against my mother and helping an enemy. But then it doesnt matter anyways because she is human, which carries an instant death sentence.

As we walked through the doorway, i made a promise to myself that i would come back and destroy my mothers rein of terror.

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