Chapter 6- The After Party

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Alex's eyes fluttered open. A slim bar of light crept upon her face and directly in her eye. She sighed and was about to close her eyes and go back to sleep before she noticed something around her stomach pull her back. Looking down, she realized it was a slim, tanned arm. It was... Roy? He moved again, his leg moving against the back of hers. "Oh my God." She whispered. "Oh my God. I'm being spooned by a 40 year old gay man." She almost laughed at the absurdity of it. Of course she couldn't deny how comfortable it felt. To think that she only knew this man about 2 weeks was ridiculous.
2 weeks... they said that her flat would be ready by then. She looked around at the room she would have to leave behind, the colourful paintings on the wall, the ridiculously expansive collection of CD's, and the stack of half finished books left in the corner. Finally, she turned her head to look at the owner of the room. He was sleeping peacefully, his eyes closed and his long lashes brushing his cheeks. He looked younger than his years like this, even more than usual. He looked almost like a teenager, angelic, almost. When he was like this, Alex could forget the scathing insults and comments he would make and the rude innuendo that would make her blush. Her hand reached out to touch his cheek, her finger grazing his skin slightly. It felt soft yet weathered. "Roy." She said quietly. "Wake up, Roy. It's the morning." He stirred for a short while before opening his eyes. "What?" His voice was rough from sleep. "It's morning." She said and thought for a second. "Why are we on the sofa?"
His arm immediately retracted to his side. "You were drunk so I didn't wanna move you."
"Oh...God, I was, wasn't I? I wasn't too bad, right?"
"No, you were fine. I had to pull boob tape off of your nipples though so..."
She cringed but couldn't help but feel irritated at herself for not being sober enough to remember. She then cringed even more for even thinking thoughts like that. "Sorry. I... I'll get some food ready, right?"
Alex frowned and shuffled off of his body so he could access the kitchen. She looked at him as he walked away, her stomach churning. She felt weird and felt weird about the fact she felt weird. Swallowing slightly, she brought her knees to her chin. She said she wouldn't do that kind of shit anymore. Of course Roy didn't know about her vow to not get incredibly drunk  and for that she was kind of thankful. "What do you want?"
"I'm not a cook."
"There's batter in the fridge."
"Oh. Right, I'm gonna take a shower, then."
Alex rolled her eyes and shuffled over to the kitchen drearily. She would have to make the pancakes and wait then, she supposed.

It wasn't much later in the day that she got the call. "Hello?" She greeted.
"Miss Barr?" 
No one called her that.
"We've arranged an apartment for you. I think you've been told about this... 2 weeks ago?"
Alex didn't say anything. The woman on the other side must have assumed it was because she didn't remember. "A couple of days after... the-"
"When my apartment got burnt to ashes, yes."
"Yes. Well, anyway. The address isn't too far away from where you were originally living." She then began to reel off an address that Alex was barely listening to. "You got that down?"
She was lying.
"From 8 PM tomorrow, the apartment will be yours. Any questions?"
"Okay, good. Have a nice day!"
Alex ended the call. Roy's voice snapped her out of her daze. "So you're moving out, huh?" She couldn't tell what his opinion on it was. "Yeah. I guess so."
"Do you know where?"
"1743 Prospect Place. It's in Brownsville."
Roy went quiet. "That's a while away."
"I know."
Neither said anything. Alex wasn't sure why the air was so cold or why her throat felt like it was closing up. She didn't know why both of them were having such a reaction to this- after all, wasn't it supposed to be a celebration? She was getting her life back on track and yet here they were, silent.
"It's strange, isn't it?" She heard her voice but she couldn't feel herself saying it.
"What is?"
"I've only known you like... almost 3 weeks."
Roy looked at her. Not like he looked at her before. This time, his eyes locked dead onto hers. Not in an intimidating way but in a kind of, analyzing, interested way. "It is strange."
In a split second, she felt his arms around her back, pulling her into a tight hug. "I'll miss you, dyke."
It took a moment for her to smile. "Miss you, too."
"We'll still see each other, though, right?"
Alex smiled wider. "Duh! To Starbucks and stuff."
"Do I look white to you?"
"Where else then?"
"There's more to life than Starbucks!"
"...Like what?"
Roy's eyes widened. "Oh, shut up. You know what I mean."

Really short and late but i have mock gcses and im so strESSED 
count urself lucky bc honestly i want 2 die

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