Ally woke up to the sound of her phone ringning, it was one of her friends Danny!
A. *hey was up?*
D. *hey you didn't forgot about the brunch right?*
A. *shit I totally forgot! Can you pick me up? I just have to put on some clothes*
D. *yeah sure se you in 20*.
Ally brushed her hair and put on some clothes. Danny picked her up and of they go!
Five min later at some breakfast bar!Stevie,
Stevie looked at her phone, she was supposed to meet her friend Ali in a min and started to wonder where she was. She looked at the door just as some one opened it, and in came the most beautiful girl she ever laid her eyes on! She know who she was, her friend Ali had shown one of her videos to her, it was Ally Hills!
She had only seen one of her videos and she absolutely loved it, she thought she might go talk to her later! But then Her friend Ali walked in to the bar and she forgot about Ally Hills.Ally,
Ally and Danny walked into the bar and sat down at the counter. Ally who was starving took a big chicken sandwich and Danny took a big bowl of noodles!
Then Ally saw her, Stevie boebi! Ally had seen her videos on YouTube and was a big fan. She tapped Danny's shoulder and nodded at the place where Stevie and some other girl sat.Ally, "look over there it's Stevie"
Danny, "who is she one of your crushes?"Ally, "haha very funny! No she's a YouTuber"
Danny, "oh yeah I think I know who she is! You should go talk to her!"
Ally, " what me? I can't I'm too nervous what if she thinks I'm weird"
Danny, " you want me to do it for you? C'mon many you would be great friends"
Danny walked up to Stevie and the other girl, he said something and pointed at Ally! After a while he got back with a wide smile and a napkin in his hand.Ally, "wow she gave you a napkin?"
Danny, "nope she gave you a napkin"
Danny handed over it and on it was a phone number, it was Stevie's phone number and a message : ~ hey I saw you on YouTube you look cool maby we can hang out sometime?~
Ally was happy, she liked Stevie and now maybe they could be friends!Stevie,
Stevie and Ali sat down at a table in the middle of the bar, as they waited on their food someone walked up to them,Danny, "hi, eh my friend over there saw you on YouTube and just wanted to say you're awesome!". He said and pointed at Ally.
Stevie felt this weird fluttery feeling inside, and just looked at Ally. Then she realized Danny was still there.Stevie, " oh cool I think I've seen one of her videos to! Could you give her my number?"
Stevie asked nervously. Danny nodded and said goodbye. She saw him go back to Ally at the counter and when he gave her the napkin she looked back at her and smiled, Ally fucking Hills I smiled hat her! She felt all fluttery and warm, she didn't even know why.(So this is my first fanfic ever I hope you like it and I will update as often as I can)