3, the begining of a friendship

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The next morning:

Ally woke up confused, she looked around her and found Stevie sleeping beside her. What! Why is Stevie in my bed! Ally got so drunk yesterday that the last thing she remembered was Stevie and her kissing. She sat up and went to the bathroom. When she got back Stevie was awake, she smiled at her and asked if she wanted  breakfast:

Ally, "hi, ehrm do you want something to eat or drink?" She got so nervous since she didn't remembered anything, she assumed they didn't have sex because both of them still had their clothes on.

Stevie, "oh hi! I'm not really hungry right now! I'll just grab something on my way home later."

Ally, "oh okay sure, what happened last night I was so drunk"

Stevie, " well you was really drunk so I took you home and you asked me to stay so I did!" Ally could she that she was nervous.

Ally, " cool do you have to go home? Maybe we could hang out today or something?"

Stevie, " no I don't have to go home if it's okay! But if I'm going to stay I need som food" she said and rubbed her belly.

Ally and Stevie hung out the whole day until Stevie had to go home to her cats. After that day they became best friends and hung out all the time! Stevie had a hard time though, she loved Ally more than a friend but she didn't wanna ruin everything so she remained silent. ( at least for a little while ;D )

(So this chapter is a little bit shorter but I'll try to put up one a day! Hope you like this, if you have any thoughts about how I can make it better please leave a comment)

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