Jaunary 21st

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Still no luck!
Robert and I had not have sex yet. I tried to let nature take its course, but nothing was working. Not even when I have him huge hints that a blind person can see. I'm actually starting to think maybe it's for the best. If it happens, then it'll probably happen at a time when both of us have really deep feelings for each other.

I sat behind my glass desk while reading some files on my next client; Mr. Dunson, one of the most wealthiest white male in America. He was charged with second degree murder by killing his fifth wife. Damn! Fifth? I thought I was bad in my relationships. Any who, he claims that he didn't do it, but looking from the police reports, and his statement; I think he did it.

There was a soft knock on my door. I looked up to see Riley standing there with his glasses on. Finally he's wearing them. I'm tired of going back in forth by correcting him by changing j's to G's and 0's to O's. "Yes?"

"Mr. Dunson is here."

I nod, indicating Riley to send him in. As he did that, I straightened up my desk by putting the documents in the right folders. "Ms. Hunter, how are you?" Mr. Dunson greeted as he walked in.

I stood on my feet and shook his out reached hand before sitting in my chair as he did the same. "Hello Mr. Dunson." I discreetly looked at him up and down. Mr. Dunson was a older guy, with white hair and beard, tons of wrinkles around her eyes, cobwebs in his hands and he had a small gut. For a fifty year old man, he looks sixty.

"I am still alive." He chuckled lightly.

"I'm sorry for your lost." I said.

The old man sighed and shrugged. "Dorothy was a good woman."

I set a single file that held a police report, in front of me. "Mr Dunson, I ask this to all my clients, so please do not get offended.... Did you commit the crime of killing your wife?"

His eyes widened. "Oh heavens no! I loved Dorothy."

U gave him a questionable look. "Loved?"


"Mr. Dunson, as your lawyer I must know everything. Did you or did you not kill your wife?"

He huffed. "I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"Well..." His eyes could not stay on mine, which means he's either going to make up a lie or he's nervous about his response. "I was on medication at the time. The pills make me drowsy; like one minute I'm in bed and the next I'm waking up in my back yard ass naked- oh sorry for my French."

I shook my head. "It's okay, we're both mature adults. Please, continue." I took out my note pad and started to write down what he told me about his medication. "When did you start taking the medication?"

"Um, about two months ago. Dorothy knew about the situation, she even went to the doctors office with me. I-isn't a specialist supposed to do this type of stuff."

I stop writing and looked up at him. "Mr. Dunson, I need as much information I can get to help you with this trial. Now, after this I would certainly take this to a specialist and give her your number so she can get some more information from you. Is that okay with you?"

I heard him gulp as he slowly nod. "Y-yes, that's okay."

I clicked my own twice before writing some more stuff down that would help me out with the case.


I walked into an old friend of my office from college. She's a therapist, luckily. "Erica, darling." I said in a old British woman accent. Erica looked up from her computer and smiled once she saw me walking into the room. She walked towards me and gave me one of her bone crushing hugs.

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