Chapter 13

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We walk through the big door and walk down a big empty hallway. Everything is super sized. As if the things that inhabit this place are 15 ft tall. "Why is it so empty?" Simon asks. "I don't know. Maybe the ancient race that lives down here is almost extinct?" I suggest. "I don't think so. I can feel lots of life sources down here." Magnus says. Suddenly I smell something weird. It smells like earth, and water, mud. It's a new smell down here, cause five seconds ago everything smelled like metal. "What's that smell?" Simon asks. "I don't know. It smells like mud. Doesn't it?" I answer. "Yeah it does. Which is weird, cause I didn't smell it till a little bit ago." "Ok. What are you guys talking about?" Clary asks. "They've both got 'super noses'. Of course they're going to bond over it." Serena says. "It's getting stronger." Simon says, "And I hear a steady banging sound. Like a hammer, or giant footsteps." We keep walking, all listening carefully. Soon enough I hear it too. "Hey, I can hear the sound too." Says Seth. Up ahead is a corner, and we're about to reach it when a giant 15 foot monster comes around it. It's legs and waist are made of dirt, but it's upper body is made of water. It is humanoid, and it's watery torso is flowing and wavy. "What is that!?" Alec says. "I don't know, but it doesn't seem happy to see us." Serena says. It has stopped and spotted us. It suddenly starts running at us, it watery arm shoots out, towards us. Me and Lilica barely dodge out of the way, as it slams into the ground, splashing us slightly. I pull out my knife and slash at its wrist, but my knife just goes through it. Because it's water! "How are we supposed to fight something made of earth and water?" I say. "Look!" Jace says. I look at the monster, pulling its arm back, it has a purple substance in its water. It's the poison from my knife. Some of the dirt in the legs falls to the ground. Jace and Alec rush in with swords and chip away at it's dirt legs. I join in with my knife. It kicks at us, but them being shadehunters, and me being able to teleport, it's in vain. Maryse fires arrows at it, but they fly through the water. Magnus comes over and start spraying blue fire from his finger tips. It chars the dirt, making it unstable and easier to knock off. Soon enough, the monster doesn't have enough dirt to hold up it's water so it splashes to the ground, lifeless. "Dad! Was that the ancient race?" I ask. "I have no idea. They were just stories. I thought they were fake." He says. "Come on, the Halo is this way." Says Lilica. She walks in a direction. Eventually we enter a big throne room. There are two thrones. Flanking the thrones are two more of the big earth monsters. In each small throne is a very short thing. They have four arms, three eyes, and red skin, but otherwise they look like tiny little people. "Why have you invaded our underground kingdom?" Asks one, it's voice surprisingly deep, for his size. "The Halo is inside this room somewhere." Whispers Lilica. "We're here for some artifacts you stole." I say. "Stole? I hardly think that's the correct word for it." Says the other. "Borrowed would be a more appropriate description of our actions." Says the first one. "Just long enough for the holy and unholy ones to destroy the surface." Says the second one.

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