Kuroshitsuji 3

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Kate's POV-

I've never been a fan of parties. They are full of self absorbed aristocrats trying to show off, mediocre entertainment, and the fact sociability is a must. Setting aside the fact I hate people, parties just seem like a waste of time.

"Don't forget why we are here, m'lady." Scarlett, my maid, will say when I start to complain. It isn't as if I have forgotten why I am going to the biggest party of the season. How could I? The host of this party, Aleistar Chamber, hurt my family and refuse to let him get away with that. So to put it simply, the only reason why I am here is to run my sword through his pitiful heart.

We pull up to the entrance and I let out a small groan as I see the hundreds of cars in the mile long driveway. Did I mention I hate people?

"Scarlett, park the car and meet me inside." I order stepping out of the black Mercedes, my long silk dress falling to my feet.

"As you wish, m'lady." She replies just as she always does, without hesitation or falsity. Just like an obedient dog who would jump through any hoop or fetch any stick just to please me.

As I watch her drive off four people catch my eye, Zack, my best friend sense the eighth grade, Ciel, my crush, and their butlers Sebastian and Seth. The most amusing thing about it is that Ciel and Zack are in dresses. Of course, I'm in love with a cross dresser, but the look on their faces say it wasn't optional.

I turn quickly so they don't see my face, I know they'd never let me live this down if they knew I actually went to a party. I can see it now, "So, Kate, who did you dance with? How did the food taste? Did you have a good time? Why did you go? I thought you hated parties?-" my thoughts are interrupted as I am greeted by none other then Aleistar Chamber.

He is exactly what I expected, the way he styled his hair probably took an easy two hours, his outfit at least three thousand dollars, and the way he talks shows he is self absorbed. "Now what is a little butterfly, such as yourself, doing unaccompanied?~" His tone sickens me to the core and the level of confidence in his voice makes it obvious he thinks he can get what ever he wants.

I force a polite smile and curtsy, "Good evening, Viscount Druitt. I am sorry to say that I fail to have an escort for the evening." The smile that plays on his lips makes my stomach churn. Maybe I should have said I was waiting for someone.

His hand slides to my lower back and he starts guiding me inside. "Well, butterfly, lets go, there are lots of entertainments inside.~" I allow him to show me some of the, mediocre, entertainments he has planned, but eventually when the flirting and the fact his hand keeps sinking lower becomes too much I decide to get this over with.

"Viscount, I'm sick of dancing, eating and parlor tricks. Is there anything else we can do?" That smile returns on his over confident face and it takes all I have not to laugh, he actually thinks he is going to get in my pants, well dress in this case.

His hand slides to my waist and his voice is smooth, "Butterfly," why does he keep calling me that? "You remind me of a robin I once met. Yes, my pretty little butterfly, there are other entertainments in the room above. Shall I escort you?~" He leads me up the stairs before I can give an answer. As he closes the door behind me revealing a bedroom.

"Viscount..." My heart races a little as he locks the door behind him. I go to reach for my dagger that is strapped to my calf, but Aleistar grabs me by the wrists an pins me to the bed.

"You were such an impatient butterfly. Shall we have some fun?~" he whispers seductively as he starts to grind against me.

I struggle against him not letting him do to me what he did to Zack. He reaches for a white cloth on the nightstand letting go of one of my wrists. Seeing my opportunity I shove him off of me and onto the floor.

Fumbling off the bed I make my way to the door. I go to reach for the doorknob but am knocked to the ground by Aleistar and he slams the cloth over my mouth and nose.

Holding my breath I fight against him trying to escape before the intoxicating smell of chloroform sends me into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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