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I cant stand watching HORRIBLE people be allowed to rome the earth after they did such horrible and disgusting thing to man kind. Humans disgust me, they all must die, beg me for mercy as i plunge my knife into their bodies and watch them die a slow and painful death. No human deserves to live. They all are selfish, ignorant, cruel, and pathetic. They all act tough until they come face to face with death and they ask for mercy, they beg for their lives saying they will change. But they never do. There all the same. I never came across a human who us brave enough to fight back. I never met a human who shows no fear. No human has ever stood up to me, they are all so weak. They all must die, by my hand, no one will stop the monster inside me.

"Jeff Are you hungry" i heard Jack ask through my closed door, he knows never to come in. "No" i said without any emotion in a calm voice. The only light that was in my room was the light from my computer screen and the light from under the door. I like it dark because i cant stand to look at myself. I cant stand the feel of the light on my bleach pale leathery skin. I like to hide out in my room during the day and search for the victims i was gonna kill that night thats basically how i live my life ever since i became this monster. Ive been a killer feared by all, wanted by many, hated by some, and loved by none. Im nothing but a cold blooded killer. Nothing but a murderer. Im a monster inside. And out. Ive been a monster for 7 years now. Ill be 19 March 12.

I found my next target, Scarlet Marra. An 18 year old Female living in a 2 bedroom house on 1420 Barryline LN. There was no picture of the girl but i didnt care. Ill still find her. I grabbed my knife and blood stained surprisingly still white hoodie. I exited my room making my way dowbstairs as i put my hoodie on and placed my knife in my pocket i madw my way to my victims home.... Time to play my favorite game..... Slaughter the Humans.

I made it to the house around midnight. The house seemed to be a little bit darker then the rest, there was dead grass and flowers outside, spray paint of the word freak and witch on the front door and garage door. Broken bottles and glass everywhere, "Damn" i said to myself as i made my way through the back. I jumped over the fence and looked for a way inside. Luckly there was a window open next to the back door. Of course i went through the window, going through the door is to mainstream. I pulled my knife out and slowly made my way through the house. No sign of the girl, well, until i heared fighting outside. I looked out the window to see to see about six people pushing, punching, and kicking a girl outside of the house. I watched for a moment then they pushed her to the ground and walked away. The girl waited a few minutes then she got up and stumbled to the house i was in. I quickly ran over to a closet that was in the living room and hid there as she came inside and made her way to the kitchen.


I was walking home from work, my abuseive Ex-Boyfriend of a boss made me work till midnight so i missed my bus. Half way home i felt as though i was being watched but i brushed it off because it didnt effect me. Once was walking up to my house a tall man along with 3 others and 2 girls came out of no where. "My my. Your out late." said the tall man in front of me with a knife. I started to walk to my house when one of them grabed me and punched me. Before i knew it they all started to cut me with knives, kicking me to the ground, punching me everywhere and calling me names. They pushed me to the ground and started kicking my ribs and punching my face. "Your such a freak. Why dont you die already" spat one of the girl as she kicked in my ribs. "Whats wrong witch, afraid of dieing" said the other girl. "Im never. Afraid. Of you." i managed to say as they beat me. "You bitch!" a man pick me up and punched me, they pushed me pushed me to the ground once again and they all started to cut me all over. "We will be back witch" said on of the other men, then they all left. I waited a few minutes to get up, i painfully made my way to my feet and stumbled to my front door. I made it inside and went straight for the kitchen. I grabed my first aid kit and started to clean up my cuts. I wraped up my stomach so i could keep ribs in place. I put ice on my many many bruses but as i made my way out of the kitchen i felt a sharp pain in my back i went to the mirror i had in my dining room and toom off my shirt, i turned around to see large gases on my back "great" i said under my breath. I grabed a bottle of alcohol from the first aid kit and dumped the whole thing on my back. I fell to the ground from the pain. I sat the on the ground quietly screaming from the pain. I let out a small tear but quickly wiped it away, i stayed there for a while waiting for the pain to leave my back, i after a minute or two i felt something touch my back. I looked up to the mirror to see a tall man with longish black hair and a white hoodie covering his face. I slowly turned around and tried to stand up but i fell back to the ground in pain "who are you" i asked calmly. He got down to his knees and looked at me. There was something odd about him. I looked closer he had a smile carved into his face from one ear to the other. "No one. Lets get thoses cuts fixed up" he said in a deep husky sexy voice.


I kinda felt bad for this human. She didnt cry, she didnt scream, she didnt show any emotion as they beat her. I watched her bandage herself up and pour the alcohol on her back. I could tell it hurt because her body language told me. 'i wont kill this woman. Not tonight.' i steped out of the and walked up to her. I put my hood on so she didnt see my face and placed a hand on her back trying not to hurt her. She looked at me in the mirror and turned around and stood up, only to fall back to the ground. I got on my knees to see if she was ok. "Who are you" she asked in a calm steady voice. I looked at her shocked that she was so calm to see a strange man in her home. She looked up and saw my Chelsea grin. She didnt react which shocked me even more " no one. Lets get you fixed up" i stood up and held a hand out to help her up and she took it. Her hand was soft with a little blood on it, i pulled her to her feet and walked to get the first aid kit from the kitchen as she sat on the couch. I kept my head low so she didnt see to much of my face since she already saw my mouth. I walked to the couch and started to clean her wounds on her back. I felt weird touching her. Im a killer! Why the hell am i helping her! Why aren't i killing her! Shes a mortal. "Ow that burns" she said and tensed up. I was so deep in my thought i forgot i was stitching her. "Sorry.." NO IM NOT SNAP OUT OF IT JEFF! after i was done stitching her up she took some pain pills. "Thanks for your help. But it wasnt necessary" she said "whatever" i stood there feeling weird having a conversation with my victim "you never told me who you are" she said standing to her feet "whats your name. Why are you here" she started to walk closer to me. I put my hands in my pocket and griped my knife. She was only inches from me now. "Hello! Im talking to you!" she said a little louder. I got a little angry so i pulled out my knife and pushed her against a wall and pressed the knife against her neck "my name is Jeff. I came here so i could kill you but im not going to fucking do that because i feel sorry for you. I thought you had enough for one night after those people beat you." as i was talking she showed no fear. No emotion giving me permission to speak... But i didnt beed permission. "You seem like an ok girl you seem tough and your very beautiful but im a monster. Im a fucking killer" after i said that i took off my hood and stepped back. Her eyes went wide. But not out of fear. She was shocked. I was ashamed of my face, i put the knife back in my pocket and looked at the ground backing away from her. "I dont think your a monster but i dont need your simpithy, and by the way. Im not beautiful. Im a freak. The only beautiful person in this room is whereing a bloodied white hoodie." i frose. She thinks im beautiful? What?! Is she blind! I didnt look up from the ground but i could hear her step closer. Suddenly i felt her arms wrap around me. I was shocked and confused. My victim was hugging me. I was frozen but i hugged her back. She began to hug tighter and then i thought. She never responded to my looks she didnt care i came to kill her and she showed no fear. She was the first human to ever show me that. And i....i liked it.

Hey there my little ones! Please vote and comment to tell me what you think so far. Next chapter will be updated soon dont worry my little creepers

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