Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or Halloween. I also got this idea from KMDWrierGrl

Chapter 1

"Just when I thought I would get to celebrate Halloween this year, another case comes up." Emily Prentiss sighed. Emily was sitting in the meeting room with David Rossi and Spencer Reid for yet another case. "What did you expect? Holidays aren't exactly a priority in this field," he pointed out to her. "I know, it's just I wanted to watch movies on fake monsters, not have to actually find a real one." "Hey guys, do you know what's going on?" JJ asked. "No, not a clue." Prentiss answered. JJ walked over and slouched down into her chair right next to Prentiss'. "Is everything okay?" Spencer asked looking up from his file. "No, not really." "What's wrong?" Prentiss asked looking concerned. "It's just, I really wanted to take Henry out Trick 'r Treating this year. I'm tired of letting him down." JJ looked upset. "Then why don't you just ask Hotch if you can sit this one out?" Rossi asked as if it was that obvious. "Because Will won't allow it. He knows how much this job means to me and I save lives doing it." JJ said with defeat. Prentiss turned around and patted JJ on the back to comfort her. Morgan came storming in and dropped into his chair. "I can't believe this is happening. I was excited to do some trick 'r treating tonight." "Yeah, more like gettin' some lovin'." Prentiss mumbled. Morgan shot daggers at her and Spencer finally piped in. "You know, Halloween evolved from the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, modern Halloween has actually become less about literal ghost and ghouls and more about costumes and candy. The Celts used the day to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, and also believed that the transition between the seasons was a bridge to the world of the dead." When Spencer had finished his ramble, everyone just stared at him. He gulped at that and then went back to reading his book. Before anyone could say anything else, Hotch and Garcia came in and they knew it was time to get down to business. "All right, what do we got here?" Hotch asked when he sat down. Garcia passed out folders to everyone and then picked up a remote and pushed a button to present photos. "Well, fifteen years ago, a six-year old boy by the name of Michael Myers killed his seventeen-year old sister, Judith Myers in her bedroom." Garcia informed before pushing another button for the presentation. Before she continued Morgan asked, "Wait, wait, why are we going over a case that happened fifteen years ago?" "Because last night, Michael escaped from Smith's Grove Sanitarium and no one has seen him since." "How did he escape?" Rossi questioned. "He stole his doctor's car." "How did he know how to drive, he was never taught?" Prentiss asked. "Just by observing it could happen," Spencer proposed. "His doctor believes he is going back to Haddonfield, Illinois. We need to help find Michael before he does any more damage." Hotch informed. "Damage?" Morgan asked. "He killed two security guards at the hospital and a tow truck driver on the way to Haddonfield." The whole team looked at each other with worried glances and then looked back at Hotch. "It's very important that we find him. Wheels up in ten."

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