The plan

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The Next day. Kike have set to make her and smara look like thay were sick so thay can't go to the camp m.i.y. They add red dots and added make up so it looks like there pal!  "mom"cryed kike. Kike's mom came rushing up the stairs and bursting in the door."what happen??is someone hurt???" Yeld kike's mom."we're sick mom." Said kike and smara. "Nice try kike and smara but I've tryed that trick a lot in my day when I was your age to get away from stuff like this but it did not work for me just like its not for you." Said kike's mom. "Danit!"mumbled kike."Welp, it looks like we're out smarted and we have to go to the camp now."wispered smara. Both hated the idea of going to camp but there stuck to go and can't get out of it.

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