Chapter 02

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Chapter two

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

"Please... No... No no no please don't hurt me." i cried. 

My uncle was standing in front of me, an angry look on his face. "You fucking fag!" he yelled. I covered my face in my hands. "You're afraid? You're so pathetic. Such a worthless man." he laughed evilly. 

I was scared shitless.  

He hit me in my face. Once, twice, three times, four. 

After a few more hits he punched me in the eye. I continued crying and he hit me agian.

"P-Please don't hit me." I whispered.

"Shh... Niall, Niall wake up." I woke up and realized I was crying. I sat up.

I was shaking and my body was cold. "Shh..." I looked up to see Zayn sitting next to me, his hand softly rubbing circles on my back. "Shh... it was only a bad dream... Shh..." He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

I just sat there, crying. "I-I'm so sorry." I sobbed. Zayn just held me. "It's okay Nialler, it's okay." he whispered, "Do you want to tell me what it was about?" 

I shrugged. On one side it was the perfect moment to tell him. On the other side I didn't want him to know.  There was a chance he'd hate me forever, thinking I'm disgusting, maybe never talking to me again.

"I-I" I sighed. It's now or never. "I-I dreamt about my uncle." I whispered. 

"Did he hit you?!" Zayn whisper-yelled.

I bit my lip and nodded, "s-sometimes."



"Why didn't you tell me?!" 

"I don't know... I guess I was afraid." 

Zayn cuddled closer. I closed my eyes. "I'm tired." I whispered. "Me too." Zayn admitted. 

"You want me to stay?" he asked softly.

I nodded into his chest. He smelled so good!  He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "Goodnight Nialler." he whispered. "Goodnight." I whispered back and fell asleep a few seconds later.


"Niall- wait. Zayn? Guys wake up!" Liam said. I moaned and cuddled closer to Zayn who was still laying in my bunk with his arms wrapped around me. 

"Niall? Why am I in your bunk?" 

"I-I had a bad dream last night." I whispered. I felt so disappointed; he forgot.

I sat up too.

"Louis! Harry!  Wake up!" Liam yelled in his daddy direction voice. 

I got up and asked Zayn to leave so I could change. Normally I woulnd't have any problems with someone being in the same room as I was when I changed my clothes, but today was different; I had to do something I hadn't done in a long time. 

Relieve the pain. 

How I did that?

That depended on the situation, but now I was alone, I could do whatever I wanted. It probably involved a razor.

Yes, that would be today's relief.

I searched for a razor and 'did my thing', at least, I started.

After a few cuts Louis walked in. He didn't like me that much, though he didn't say a single word.

He just stared at me. "N-Niall?" he asked.

Tears were streaming down my face. "Niall what are you doing?!" he yelled.

That caused the other lads to hurry over to the bunk area. They all stared at my bloody wrists. 

It took Zayn three seconds to break down crying. He was sobbing uncontrolably. I felt so bad for making him cry! 

Liam rushed out of the bunk area and Harry hugged me tight.

I was so confused! I though Harry hated me? 

"I-I'm so sorry for being mean to you." he sobbed. Wait, did he think it was his fault?!

"Hazza, i-it's not your fault..." I stutered. He just hugged me tighter. "It's not your fault Hazza, it's not your fault..." I sushed him. He was also crying.

Liam came back with a first aid kit and bandaged my wrists. "Nialler, please don't ever do this again." he begged. I just cried and suddenly I was pulled into a group hug by none other than Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn. 

I just cried as they held me. "We love you Niall, you know that, right?" Zayn asked and I just cried harder. Because he said 'they' loved me. Not that he loved me.


"Niall, can I tlak to you for a second?" Louis asked. I nodded and the lads left the room. "Niall, why did you do it?" he asked quietly. "B-because of something that happened and because I-I love him." I sobbed.

"Because you love who?" he asekd, confused.

"I-I'm love with Z-Zayn." I whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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