19/07/56 - Day One

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I have taken the liberty of collating Dr. Vorheim's work on Specimen #626 into a single document for your convenience.  The document takes in both his research notes and comments made in his private journal.  I have also provided annotation upon points which I believe need further explanation.  Should you require anything else I shall be happy to provide you with further information.  Our agents went to considerable expense to gain these documents, not all of it financial.

- L.


19/07/56 – Day 1

A momentous day – if what I have received is the truth.  Captain Alderfox* writes from port that the creature has been killed.  The corpse awaits transportation from his vessel onto a steam barge.  If all goes as it should, it will be in the city in four days, hopefully undetected by the authorities.

*Diferus Alderfox, a fortune hunter of some repute.  Unaccounted for since his transaction with Vorheim. – L

Do I believe him?  Uncertain.  Alderfox has a sterling reputation, but this beast?  I have dissected many strange creatures in my years on this earth.  Were-kind, vampiric spawn, fae of all forms, creatures that much of the world still refuses to believe in, for all the efforts of my rational scholarship. 

But this?  A bull dragon?  A Dragon?  (It deserves a capital letter, at least.)  Last and greatest of the mythics?  Source of such fear and terror, of worship and veneration by ancient religions?  That a creature of such size, both physically and in fame, should be so apparently elusive concerns me – surely it should have been accounted for long before now?

I feel confident of detecting any deception on Alderfox's part – he is canny, but not clever, in stark contrast to my own faculties.  If he speaks the truth, however, it will be the greatest discovery of the age.

And I, Sigismund Vorheim, shall be the one to carve this Dragon open.

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