Thugs and Hood Love 17

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Somebody asked me was my book based on my life. Well, yep. I'm pretty much like Lyric. Except I never sold drugs and was never raped. But Billy is exactly how he is in the book. EXACTLY!!  But the relationship with Billy and other stuff is based on my life. So, now that I cleared that up, you can continue to read the story.

Lyric POV

I dropped my phone back onto the floor and said to Billy, "So you and Kayla been fucking around behind my back?"

It hurt me to even say that shit aloud. But I had to. I had to let Billy know that I knew him and my so-called best friend used to fuck around. But knowing both of the low ass, they probably was still fucking around. Day-in and day-out. Uuuugggghhhh.

Billy had the nerve to look at me like I had just pulled some shit from no where. "It's a motherfucking yes or no question, Billy. Did you fuck Kayla? Or did you not fuck the bitch," I said as I got out of the bed so that I could stand up.

Billy got up right along with me and said, "That was before me and you got together. That shit old as dirt now."

"It don't matter when it was or how old it is. It still happened," I yelled as I started to walk up into his face. Yeah, I know y'all ass thinking that I gotta bad habit of walking in his face. And yeah, I do. So what? Y'all ass would do the same damn thang if you found out that yo nigga used to fuck around with yo best friend.

"Calm down cause....."

I cut billy off as soon as I heard him tell me to calm down like I was mad at his ass for no damn reason. "Nigga don't tell me what the fuck to do. I gotta reason to be mad so you can shut the fuck up with all that calm down shit. You shoulda been tellin yo dick to calm down before you ran up my home-girl," I said as I stood on my tiptoes so that I could at try and look into his eyes and use my finger to mug him upside the head.

Billy pushed me back away from him. And that shit really pissed me off. "Shut the fuck up. You acting like I did it behind yo back or some shit. You done fucked more niggas than I got fingers and toes," Billy said as he walked up into my face.

What he said took me by surprise. Him saying that knocked the wind outta me. But Ion let him know that what he said had hurt my feelings. Ugh uh. Cause as soon as he woulda saw that he hurt my feelings, he woulda kept on talking and acting like he running shit. Which he wasn't. Okay, he kinda was. But still fuck that.

"But you still did it, Billy. That right there is what you fail to realize. And don't worry bout how many niggas I done fucked. Cause you a motherfucking lie. Ion fucked that many niggas. Ion know why you always trying to throw that shit in my face," I said. "But yeah, I done had my fair share of niggas that done fucked me. So what? It ain't like I had control over every last one of them," I said with my head bowed down.

It wasn't my fault that I had gotten raped. That one time thing changed my life forever. And it was what made me the person I am now. Ion asking for none of y'all to feel sorry for me. The last thing I need is y'all sympathy. 

 But I'm just saying that maybe I wouldn't be the way or the person that I am now if I would have never gotten raped. Just maybe I wouldn't look for love in all the wrong places. Just maybe I would have a normal life. Just maybe I wouldn't think that all niggas the same. Just maybe. But thinking just maybe was only hopeful wishing. Cause it was too late for me now. I had gotten raped. I am the way that I am now. I am the person that I am now. I do look for love in all the wrong places cause I never knew the right place to look. I don't have a normal life, but no one really does. And I do think that all niggas the same. All because I had gotten raped. So Billy can get the fuck outta my face talking bout who all I done fucked and all that extra bullshit. Cause it wasn't like I really had a choice bout how my life changed that day.

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