Chapter Five

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{Genesis' P.O.V.}

I sat cross legged on the grass of the quad on campus and kept my laptop balancing on one knee. I knew that writing could distract me, at least until Dylan got here.

Everything just didn't make sense anymore. If I had stayed at Oxford, i'd still only be talking to America, I wouldn't've gotten my photo plastered all over the internet, Daniel wouldn't've rung me and I wouldn't have to see him again.

But in a way, Dylan made it not bother me. He had that over me, unlike anyone i've known before. It was strange, but I loved it all the same.

A body abruptly sat down next to me, bumping my shoulder as they did so. "Hi,"

I rolled my eyes, Dylan grinning next to me. "Hi."

"So that roommate of yours, huh?" Dylan said, trying to peek at my writing.

I saved then shut the lid to my laptop, "Quite. But honestly, she's just, terrible."

"How come you won't let me see what you're writing?" Dylan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because," I knew I'd never end up showing him, especially not now. "It still needs some work." It wasn't exactly a lie.

"Okay, okay." Dylan rose to his feet, "Come on, i'll get you off this god forsaken campus." He held out a hand to me.

I placed my hand in his, the size difference mental. "Cheers. I really need it." I stood up with the help of Dylan before sliding my laptop into my rucky.

"So, what are you planning on doing since your roommate isn't exactly friendly?" He asked, walking us towards his range rover.

"Stick it out, I suppose." I adjusted the strap, knowing that eyes were following Dylan.

Dylan went to pull open the passengers' door open for me but stopped abruptly, his eyes widening. "Hey!"

"Hey! Bible girl!" My roommate Elizabeth's voice interrupted Dylan.

I spun around only to be met with a bright flash. "What the hell?"

She stood there with a nikon camera pointed at me and a mobile pressed to her ear. "Yeah, I got it." She smirked at me, her eyes narrowed, "Genesis Venita. Junior UCLA student, exchange from Oxford."

Dylan shot me a look and he figured that she was the roommate i'd told him about. "Get in the car," He said softly to me before turning to Elizabeth. "Are you out of your mind?" He walked up to her and pulled the camera from her hands.

She didn't fight back, but only smirked. "Please, the pictures don't matter as much. They have her name and they know where she goes to school."

Dylan popped open the area that held the memory chip and pulled it out. He 'accidentally' dropped the camera onto the cement, it shattering at her feet. He shot her a grim look before roughly getting into the drivers' side. "I'm so sorry about that." Dylan said to me, quickly pulling out of the campus parking lot.

I had just lost all of my privacy. They knew who I was and where I go to school. My goddamn roommate sold me out. "I knew moving here was a bad idea." I ran my fingers through my hair, my heart beginning to pound in my chest.

"Hey, it'll be okay." Dylan kept driving, not noticing what was happening.

Every part of me tensed, my breathing irregular and rapid. I ran my fingers through my hair thickly, trying for anything to stop my attack from happening. Of all places that he'd first have to witness this, and it had to be in his car.

"Gen?" Dylan glanced over, having to look twice to capture the whole bloody picture. "Gen!" He quickly pulled the car over, unbuckling his seatbelt to face me. "Gen," He pulled my hands down and wrapped his own around them. "It's gonna be okay, I promise."

I kept my eyes squeezed shut, not wanting to get some sympathetic look like the ones i've seen too many times. All I am is pathetic, anxiety ruining my life. If I was smart enough, I would've kept it at America and England and not've come out here. I wouldn't have to deal with my name and face in every magazine that revolved around Dylan's way of living. I know he told me that it was still him, that just because he's an actor doesn't change anything. Maybe it doesn't change anything about him personally, but it changes a lot of other things. Like the fact of paparazzi being at nearly every corner, a sociopath of a roommate that's ethnocentric, that it's harder to hang out anywhere but in his house. All of it was completely mad.

"Gen," Dylan sqeezed my hand. "Look at me, Gen." He said softly, hoping that i'd open my eyes.

With my heart still racing, I slowly opened my eyes but felt too embarrassed to look at him.

Dylan moved his head more over, forcing my eyes to meet with his. "It's going to be okay, Gen. I promise you that this isn't as bad as it seems." He kept his hands on mine, "I know that this isn't what you signed up for when you chose to take the exchange programme, but you didn't make a mistake. You're here, with me, and it's going to be just fine."

"How can you know that?" I said quietly, unsure of the entire situation. Maybe I could just enroll in online school and disapear, become a hermit at mum's. I could do it.

"Remember when you said you trusted me?" Dylan kept a small smile on his face, not moving his eyes away from mine, "Then trust me now, Genesis. We'll get through this together." His smile grew to the one i'd picture over the phone when he'd manage to read my mind. "Becoming a hermit isn't going to solve anything."

A small grin peaked through onto my lips as I rolled my eyes. He read my mind. "How would you know?"

"Because I tried." He rose an eyebrow at my changed expression and grinned. "I did." Dylan nodded. "When I first landed Stiles on Teen Wolf in 2010, MTV started up the advertising, and what happened was horrific. And yes, I just used one of your words. But how quickly they tracked me down was impressive. I was staying at an apartment by myself, and at around 2 am, the lock on my door was picked because a tennant told the paparazzi which one I was in. First known paparazzi photos of me was when I was half awake, and in my pyjamas."

"You're joking, right?" My grin had spread wider, laughter escaping at Dylan's story.

"Nope. Completely true story." Dylan shrugged. "So clearly, the thing to do was, well, hide. And I did. The only times I went out were to go to the studio for filming. Otherwise, I ordered take out, and after one of the delivery people took a picture of me, I made my mom go and buy me a 48 pack of ramen noodles and I kept all of my blinds shut and barely answered the door."

"Wow." I remarked, a small laugh coming out as spoke, "So how long did that last for?"

"Well, for about a month. Then Jeff Davis told me that we'd be having some issues with the show if one of it's stars was AWOL all of the time. So instead of staying in the apartment, I bought the house I live in now, which is in the middle of becoming a gated community, meaning they won't let the paps in." Dylan explained how he worked through the people following him around, breaking his privacy, and that he just went on with what he did normally. He went to the studio when he needed to, went out to buy grocerices when he needed to, went shopping for clothes, furniture, anything that he needed and or wanted. And there was a key secret of how to do that, and all stars knew it. "Ignore them." He said solidly, "Sometimes people give them a wave if they're from a far, but for the most part, no one in the business chooses to pay attention. The people who stop and talk to them on the street are ones from reality tv that are attention whores."

I laughed, thinking about what he was telling me, "So, you learn to ignore them?"

"Exactly. Learn to ignore them and you can keep going to school, keep living here, keep hanging around me." He ended in a cheesy smile, fluttering his eyelashes.

My smile fell and I groaned, "School. Bloody hell," I pulled one hand from Dylan's grasp and lent my head on my palm. "That, I do not want to go back to." I could see it, every student on campus talking about me, watching me and judging me not so silently as they told their mates bullshit lies. If anything, this would be easier at Oxford where I knew nearly everyone in my department, but at a new school, people are more likely to believe anything that they hear no matter how unrealistic it may be.

"You'll be just fine, Gen." Dylan hesitated, his smile growing wider. "See?"

"See what?" I rose an eyebrow, not catching on to what Dylan was saying.

"You stopped." He squeezed my hand, "By just talking too you, I distracted you. Stopped your attack." Dylan slowly pulled his hands from mine, "How about we just get you back to mine before some helicopter comes out with a camera."

As Dylan went back to driving towards The Hills, I rested my forehead against the window. He actually did manage to stop it. Nearly no one had ever been able to do that, to most people it didn't occur to try to stop it. But Dylan, he seemed to just, know.

"Okay, so, as far as I can tell, we are safe on paps right now," Dylan pulled into the garage and locked up the car before going into the house. "Edmund! Look who I brought!" He said happily, the labradoodle dashing across the house.

"Hey boy!" I grinned as Edmund rubbed up against my legs, asking for attention. I ran my hand over his head before looking to Dylan. "So, erm, where am I sleeping?"

"Oh, er, well." Dylan rubbed the back of his neck, "I, was thinking that, uh, you could just stay in my room..."

I glanced at the floor and bit my bottom lip, "Isn't that a bit, suggestive?"

We fell silent, our eyes sticking on each other. The air in the room seemed to slip away.

I grew insecure of him staring at me, "I shou-"

"Gen," Dylan said quietly, barely giving me a second to realise he pulled me to him as I tried to walk away.

I glanced up at Dylan, his eyes still on mine. In a split second, his lips crashed onto mine.

"I-" Dylan pulled away and looked around awkwardly. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, erm, it's okay." I looked at the floor, attempting to hide my flushed cheeks.

"There's a guest room down the hall," Dylan said, his voice catching in his throat.

I grinned over at him, "Your room is fine."

Dylan laughed awkwardly, his own cheeks reddening. "Yep, definitely."

"Definitely." I grinned, but we both seemed unable to look at each other.

I'd feel like an idiot saying things like that to anyone else. But with Dylan, it was different. There was just something about him. Like he could make this okay, make me okay.


A/N: Hey guys! I know this update took a long time! I started writing this at my mum's and then I accidentally left my notebook, with the already written chapter five! I'll definitely keep on this story though!

Tell me what you think! Xx -Melissa

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