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*(M/n) at 5 years old*

Normal Pov *

You and your mother just moved into a new house. As they were busy off loading the trucks with everything. You stood there with your mother. You look over and saw a little boy about your age. Your mother says" you can go say to the boy" You look up at your mother and nod. You walk towards him. You were a bit shy when it came to meet or making new friends. You slowly start to speak " hi" He looks at me and says " hello you must be our new neighbours, I'm Eren, Eren Jaeger. What is your name?" You say" I'm (M/n), (M/n) (L/n)" Eren smiles and ask" do you want to come play with me ?" You slowly nod and started to smile.

~later on~

You are at home and busy eating. Your mother ask" so (M/n) I see you spent the whole afternoon with your new friend. Tell me what is his name? " With a smile on her face. You say" his name is Eren." You said with a smile. She smiles at you as you tell her how much fun you had playing with Eren.

*(M/n) at 9 years old*

You and Eren started school together and you guys were best friends by now. You and Eren are walking from class cause it was break. You and Eren then saw a bunch of guys were bullying a little girl. You didn't like bullies at all and you decided to walk up to them and you shout " PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE, YOU BAKAS! " as you stood there with folded arms. They say" Awwww looks like we got ourselves a little hero here." As they walked towards you and Eren. They were about to throw a punch but you stopped it with one hand. You hand a strong grip on it and you take your other hand and grip his arm. In your one move you had their leader on the ground, hissing in pain. You look at his friends as they made a run for it. You walk over to the girl who was sitting there with her head in her arms as she held her legs. You say" hey it's okay now those bullies won't harm you now. " as you held your hand out. She slowly looked up and saw a smile on your face. She takes your hand as you help her up. She smiles and says " Thanks ummm..." You say " oh I forgot, I'm (M/n) and this is my best friend, Eren." Eren says " hi there "with a smile. She smiles and says " it's nice to meet you. I'm Mikasa." You say " okay Mikasa would like to be our friend?" She nods. You, Eren and Mikasa became best friends after that day.

*(M/n) at 14 years old*

You just started high school with Mikasa and Eren. You are in gym class, you noticed a very shy boy who was afraid to climb the rope. You went to the boy and said" hello there, don't be afraid of something that can't harm you. " He looks at you and nods. You climb up and look at the boy as he stood amazed at how you weren't afraid of anything. It was his turn to try and climb but as he got half way he looked down and grip tightly as he stop climbing. You walk towards the rope and say " you can do it just believe in yourself and don't let fear get to you." He looked down at you as you gave an encouraging nod. He nods at you and starts to climb up again. He reached the top and looked down to see you smiling. He climbed back down. You say " you were awesome " he says " thanks." You say " I'm (M/n) " he says " I'm Armin, it's nice to meet you " you nod and you both started to talk. You became friends with him. Now you had three best friends you would never trade in for anything in the world.

*(M/n) at 16 years old*
'This is now where you guys are living in the walls and your mother past away'

(M/n)'s Pov *

I'm with Mikasa, Armin and Eren. We all look at the wall wondering what was the other side. Eren says " hey guys, don't you want to know what lies behind the wall?" I say" we do but they will catch us and throw us in jail." Eren says " you are always careful (M/n)" I sigh and say " okay fine, I'm curious what they are keeping us from seeing what is behind it." We go but Armin stands there. Eren says " Armin are you coming?" He nods and we go to the wall. Eren had found an opening and we all climbed through. We all look at the wall. Mikasa sneezed and Eren placed his red scarf around Mikasa. Eren wants to climb it but we are stopped by a the military with a rose symbol on their uniform. As they are about to take us away, ground shook and Armin says " is it an earthquake?" As we look up we see a titan kicking the wall. We run for our lives. We all ran to get to safety as the titans attacked. Eren and Mikasa ran the other way towards the church and Armin and I ran to another building.

Eren's Pov *

I ran with Mikasa to the church. She ran back to save the baby. I couldn't get help Mikasa as they were pushing to get into the church. As they locked it cause it was over crowded and I saw Mikasa on the ground holding the baby. I yelled" Mikasa!" As a female titan came towards her. As the ground shook, I fell back and got up as I pushed myself out. I stood there as the titans destroy the church I walked away and caught up with Armin who was hold a shirt. I look at him. Armin had tears in his eyes and says" I couldn't save (M/n) in time. " as cried out. I say " Armin, we have to vow that Mikasa and (M/n)'s death wasn't in vine. We only have each other now." As we run to find safety.

*2 years later *

Armin and I joined the legion army. They were getting a talk from Hanj who was in charge of the weapons. As she showed us how to work it. After she explained we all did the salute and shouted" Give it with all your heart" After a while, Armin and I were walk along we saw some people had families. I look at Armin as he was sad. I say " Cry baby" he looked at me and says " Eren we don't have anyone to come home to." I nod as we walked back to get food.

Normal Pov *

Eren and Armin sat down at a table with Sasha. Armin couldn't eat. So Sasha ate it for him. They all get up as Hanj comes and says" Bring your weapons to have them checked out before we leave. " we all salute her. Eren sits down as he over hears some soldiers talk about the two stronger soldiers in the Survey Corps' Special Operations Squad. One of them earned the name 'The Titan Killer' cause they are as quick as lightening and the titans didn't see them coming and that they made their own swords out a rare steel that is unbreakable and the other kills titans in their sleep. Eren wondered who they were. As they all head towards the trucks, Hanj says" the titans can't use their eyes at night and they will respond if they hear a human's voice. So you better bite your lips when you scream."

They salute her as they climb onto the tracks as they get ready to leave.

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Author : hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this new story I wrote. Please comment and vote. I hope I didn't get the AOT characters' names wrong, if I did get anything wrong please tell me so that I know for the next chapter.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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