Eren's Trial

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Normal Pov *

* next morning *

You woke up and got dressed. I went to my office to do the restof my paperwork. Hanje comes into my office and says" (M/n)!" You froze and a sweat drops. You say" yes Hanje, what do you want?" Hanje says " I was looking for you last night." You say" I needed to go do things for Levi" to make up an excuse for yesterday. She smiles and says" when we are done at the trial, you are coming to help me with the tests." You grow pale at what she said. You say" okay please can you leave? I paperwork to do for Levi and Erwin." She nods and salutes you. You sigh and say" Dismiss Cadet." She leaves.

(M/n)'s Pov *

I continued with my paperwork and then there was a knock on my door. I say" who is it? State your business" "It's Levi, I have come to fetch you for the trial of Eren Jaeger." I say " Enter" Levi enters and says " Tch" I get up and put my jacket on. I rub Levi's head and say" let's go cleaning fairy..." he sigh and has a slight blush across his cheeks.

We went to the trial. I look as they bring Eren in to the court. They put him in the middle of court. I looked at then looked away. Eren looks over at Levi and Erwin. I noticed he looked at me. I couldn't look at him cause I start to remember my painful past when I was chained like he was now.

The Miltary Police was speaking to the judge about Eren and his past. I growl as I look at the Miltary Police. Levi looked at me and place his hand on my shoulder. I look down at him and then I see Mikasa and Armin standing there. (AN: if you watched AOT series then I don't need to rewrite everything but if you didn't then I suggest you watch it).

Eren says" you haven't seen a titan up close so you guys are cowards. So that's why you should have to let me show you and put all your faith all in me!" Eren gets a punch in his face. Everyone in the court went silenced as I stood there looking down at Eren. I growl as beat the living daylights out of him.

I say" Just shut up Cadet, you annoying me..." as I beat him up. I bend down and pick him up by his hair. I say" you better pull yourself together Cadet or else you will wish you were never born after I'm done with you." The judge says" Corporal, what if he lose control now and attack us here in this court room?"

I pull my sword out and hold it to his throat and say" if he does, I will end him right here." I look at him in his eyes. His eyes go wide as he looks at me. I noticed Mikasa was wanting to come kill me but Armin stopped her. I put my sword away and fold my arms and look at the judge and at the Miltary Police. I say" You can do whatever you like Judge with him" as I point my thumb to Eren. I walk over to Erwin as Levi beats Eren further and badly than I did.

Erwin explains the plan that they were going to do with Eren. The judge starts to make his decision...

* A few hours later *

Eren was put into the Scouts. He was sitting on the couch as Hanje was cleaning up his bruises. I was leaning against the wall with my arms folded. Hanje says " Levi and (M/n) why did you guys have to beat him up so much. Eren are you okay?" Eren says " I'm okay and I needed that." Levi ask as he sits down next to Eren " Eren do resident me?" Eren says" No Sir" I don't look at him and say" Cadet Eren, I'm sorry about today" Eren looks at me and says" It's okay Sir." I look at him as I remember him. I walk out and go wait for them.

We go to the Headquarters and Eren says" man the place is dirty." I smirk and look at him. I say" I guess you have met the cleaning fairy..." Eren says" The cleaning fairy?!" I get off my horse and take it to the stables. Levi says " Tch, Okay Brat, I want this place to shine and squeaky clean that I will be able to see my own reflection in it. That is a order!"

We get in and start to clean. As I'm cleaning with Levi, Eren comes in and says" Sir, I finished cleaning." Levi says " Tch, okay" Eren ask" Sir, where am I going to sleeping?" Levi says" you are sleeping in the cell." He sighs and Levi says " Tch, take over here and help Corporal (M/n)." Levi leaves.

Eren looks at me as I wipe my face and pull the scarf that was over my mouth as I get up and look at me and says " it's nice to see you again Eren...." I open my arms for Eren to hug me. He hugs me and I hugged him back. Eren says" (M/n) I thought you were dead." I say" if have to tell you the story it will take the whole day and night and plus we have to clean up this place before the cleaning fairy punish you."

Eren says " who is the cleaning fairy anyway?" I went back to cleaning and say" the one that order this..." Levi walks in and ask" Tch, what the fuck is going on here? I thought I told you brats to clean up and Eren your cleaning is pathetic. Go back and redo it over."

Eren sighs and goes to clean. I say" hey shortie, take it easy on him." Levi says" Tch, (M/n) you should know me by fucking now....don't you remember when you were younger? I never went easy on anyone." I sigh and say" yeah Shortie you don't need to remind me about it" as I continued to clean up.....

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Author : hey guys, I hope you....

Vee: ....enjoyed this chapter.

Author look at Vee and chuckled : hey I was suppose to say that...

Vee: I know but I wanted to..

Levi and Eren enter...

Levi: Tch, what is so funny Cadet Ally~......' as he looks at Vee and salutes her.' Lance Corporal Vee....I don't know you were here...

Eren looks at Levi who has a bit of blush across his cheeks...Eren looks at author and Vee. He salutes them.

Vee : at ease Cadet...

Author chuckle as she sees Levi lightly blush as he is looking at her friend, Vee.

Author : Awwww the cleaning fairy is blushing...

Levi : Tch, shut up Brat...

Author : Awwww Levi likes Corporal Vee!

Levi: I said fucking shut up Brat!

Levi chases after the Author...

Eren and Vee is laughing their asses off

Eren looks at author's readers : if you guys enjoyed this chapter please...

Vee: Comment and vote on it cause this story is getting awesome...

Cadet Eren and Corporal Vee salute the readers before running after Levi and Author

Author shouts: Levi likes Vee! Levi likes Vee!

Levi shouts: when I catch you, you are so fucking dead!

Author chuckle....

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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