If I were you, I'd probably get a pencil and paper. Basically, you have 6 categories you need to worry about: health, cleanliness, hunger, sleep, time, and research points. You will start with 60 for time, 0 for research points, and 100 for everything else. Throughout this story there will be actions that you can choose whether or not to do. So, in the middle of the story there will be sections like this: Wash your hands-(5🚿)(1🕖)
This means that you can choose to wash your hands or not. If you do, you would subtract one minute. If you don't, you would subtract five cleanliness points. The first set of parentheses is the one you'd look at if you don't do the action. You simply subtract the number in the parentheses from the section next to it. Each section will be represented by an emoji, and in case you aren't able to tell, time=🕠, health=❤️, cleanliness=🚿, hunger=🍕, and sleep=💤. Write them down if you'll forget. There will also be actions you can do in which you can either add AND subtract or do neither. These actions are the ones that will have this 📋 symbol in the first parentheses. 📋 stands for research, so you would see something like: Perform an extremely difficult experiment-(20📋)(10🕤) If you do the experiment, you'd add 20 research points and subtract 10 minutes. If you decide not to preform the experiment, you wouldn't have to do anything. If you get down to zero points in any category, you lose immediately as that means you're dead. Ultimately your goal is to reach the end of the story with enough knowledge about the chemical to stop the explosion. Good Luck! You'll need it!
Beat The Clock: Interactive Story
AdventureTime is ticking away, and you only have 1 hour before the world explodes. Find a way to stop it, and try not to die.