I was beat, the day had tuckered me out. I was sleeping over at my best friend Chelsea house after a very fun day. We had Chelsea's mom take us to the mall, and we saw Gabe, who was a 7th grader and way our of our league. We kept chatting about how cute he was, and how it sucked to be in the grade below him. We also talked about what homework we had for that weekend and how we hated our math teacher. Every thing was normal and happy, like it had always been. The chatter went on for a while until we drifted off to sleep, but not before I saw Chelsea doing her nightly ritual of tapping her hands together in the praying position. "It's just for safety." She always said. She a bit on the religious side, so it wasn't that weird.
Sometime in the night there was a pulling on my arm. It was annoying so I was trying to tap Chelsea awake. She wouldn't budge, and it was getting on my nerves. "Wake up! This is weird, stop!" She still was fast asleep. And that's when I realized I was sleeping on my stomach and my arm was hanging off the bed.