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Chapter I. 

"Mom, I'm not going to that damn behavior school," I angrily gritted, flustered with all the burden on my back. Honestly, if it wasn't for my mom giving me pleading looks and desperation, I would thrash the entire house to bits.

"Hun, it's for the best," she insisted. But, deep down, we both knew it wasn't for the best. That's something every parent would say to their child when they're in a bad situation or when their future is on the rocks. I've never been the type to disrespect elders, especially my mom, but right at this moment, my emotions were too screwed up for me to even control them.

"I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE," I yelled, my arms flying up in the air. I felt my blood boil deep within my skin, and no one could really blame me for that. 

My mom sighed, but I knew she wasn't going to give up. "Harold Edward Styles, you are going to behavior school whether you like it or not," she sternly said. 

"But you sa-" 

"No. You're going, end of discussion," she snapped, folding her arms tightly across her chest. The harsh look plastered on her head soon then faded into a look that was filled with disappointment mixed with sympathy.

So, that was it. That was really it. I'm being sent to behavior school no matter how hard I fight against it.

"Well, fuck my life then!" I screamed as I stomped away, heading to my room. Heat traveled up to my cheeks and my breathing became distorted by the second. I heard my mom call out for me many, many times, however, I chose to ignore her. I wasn't going to be able to hold my tongue from saying something I'll eventually regret, so it's better to avoid her at all costs. 

Dinner time rolled around the corner, though I wasn't quite too excited on it. I spent hours sulking on my bed, speculating about all the little things in life I should have appreciated and the do's and don't's. But, all in all, that's too late. Instead of being that good boy every mom wanted, I became the bad boy that families would disown in a minute. I never told her much, but I was lucky to have my mom as my mom. Others wouldn't be able to tolerate my bad activities. But, she did. And she never gave up on me even when I gave up on myself ages ago. That lead my thoughts to thinking all the good memories I had with her rather than the bad. Sadly, my chain of thoughts were interrupted by a small knock on my door. 

"Harry, can I come in?" My mom asked shyly. I pretended not to hear the first time. It's not that I was mad at her, it's that I'm scared. I'm scared of her reaction towards me and my actions from earlier. Actually, from my actions through-out my whole life.

"Harry?" She croaked quietly. Even though there was a wooden door as a barrier between us, her facial expression was crystal clear. She was just. .  . sad.

I couldn't help letting her in after making her wait about 5 minutes. As I laid my eyes on her, her features made her looked older. Her laugh-lines, the crinkles by her eyes, and the small wrinkles that polka-dotted her forehead.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I didn't have the courage to say that, but as my emerald orbs met up with her, I was glad I did. Not only did it lift away a heavy weight in my chest, but somehow, those two words mended everything. 

"It's alright. I just hope you know I want you to do this only for your benefit. You don't know how hard it will be for me to have you so far away," she mumbled under her breath. 

Truly, she left me confused. "Away from you? It's just school," I tried to chuckle, but it came out as a throaty cough. The once cheery aura from her vanished. She grimaced at my comment and I couldn't help but ask why.

"You see, this 'behavior school,' it's miles and miles away from here, where we live. You don't come home here," she sadly spoke. 

My muscles tightened up, as well as my jaw. I didn't understand. I thought behavior school was just similar to a normal school. You go there, listen to pointless shit, then come home. But, in this case, the situation differs.

"Where will I stay?" I questioned bluntly. I could sense she knew my insides were boiling to a max once again. 

"There are dorms there. Basically, it's like college, only it's behavior school," she explained.

"How long am I staying there?" I wondered, I just wanted to get this whole dilemma over with, 

"A year," she replied instantly. Great. One year of hell.

"So, I won't be able to see you or my girlfriend?" I sighed.

"I'm afraid not, honey. But, there's always the weekends. You better explain to Nicole the situation," she suggested.

I nodded in agreement. As I reached for my phone that rested on my mahogany night stand, my mom reached for my hand. I froze immediately and waited for what she had to say.

"Thank you, Harry. I appreciate you finally cooperating with this," she smiled, then patted my back.

"It's fine, Mom," I smiled back. And with that, we pulled ourselves into a tight embrace. Soon then, she left my room when the atmosphere felt too awkward.

Good. Now, I can call Nicole.

Once again, I reached for my phone and typed in my password. Since I frequently contacted Nicole, I had under my "Favorites." I tapped her contact and pressed call.

After three rings, she finally picked up the phone. "Hey, babe," she giggled.

"Hi," I smiled to myself.

"What's up? Why'd you call?" She asked.

"Oh, well, i wanted to talk to you in person about something. Is it okay if I drop by your place tomorrow?" I meekly questioned.

"Yeah, of course. Was that all?"

"Yep. See you tomorrow, bye. I love you," I whispered into my phone.

"I love you, too."

Then the line dropped. Sigh. 

"You have a lot going on, Harry," I muttered.


Hours went by, and soon then, the time was 12:03 AM. I always had trouble sleeping. Curse you, insomnia. I didn't know whether to be relieved or anxious about behavior school. No one knew me, so surely nothing was going to bother me, however, that, itself, was the big problem. I had no one there. I'm not the best at small talk, let alone making even one acquaintance. But, let's just say this will be a challenge for me then. 

Get some sleep. 

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