Sad poems

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Forever invisible

My mom won't listen to me
She thinks I'm never here
My dad beats on me all the time
I'm left bruised, bloody, and broken
People at school bully me
And I started getting depressed
I always sit in my room alone crying
The only friend I have is this razor blade
My mind isn't the kindest to me
But my heart isn't either
The darkness and evil has taken over
There's no point trying to defeat them
I write my family a short note
I take the pills out of the bathroom
And bring them to my room
My razor blade in the other hand
I take pill after pill
Then I cut my thighs and wrists
Until my room is a pool of blood
I start to see darkness
I fall on the ground
My lifeless body lays there until someone finds it
I hear faint screams and cries
Oh how I wish they cared for me like that forever
But they will now feel the pain I have
But for now I will wait next for what lays ahead of me

Broken inside

I'm broken inside
But I keep a smile on my face
Everyone thinks I'm so happy
But they don't know I'm depressed
When I get home from school
I run to my room and cry
My eyes are always blood shot red
Every night when everyone's asleep
I take my razor blade and cut my thighs and wrists
I barely get sleep
I barely eat
Everyone thinks I'm just that skinny
My mom worries about me a lot
My dad is never home
When he is, he beats me
Mom kicked him out of the house
But my mom doesn't know in depressed
So I keep that a secret from her
Tonight I have a gun with me
I start to cry a little more
I take the gun and point it at my head
Then... My life got taken away by a gun
My mom rushes in my room and starts to cry
She tries everything she can to wake me up
But it's no use I'm already dead

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