Card-Jitsu Snow

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This game is also in the dojo. Look to your right when you enter. You will see big white doors with a snowflake on them. Go through the doors. You will now see a bridge, and caves all around you. This game is a little different from the rest, so pay close attention! Click on the bridge. It will take you to the game of Card Jitsu Snow. When you enter the game, there will be three players for you to choose from. You can either play as a fire, water, or snow ninja. I think that the water ninja is the best person to play as. It is the only character that gets two player cards instead of one. If you are a member, you will be able to purchase more power cards and member revive cards. Member revive cards are for when you get knocked out and need to revive yourself. This card will restore you to full health. I am not a member, so I cannot do this like others. Maybe you can though.

Hint: The snow ninja is the weakest and always takes the most damage. The enemies target you. If you want to be snow ninja, I would recommend being a member first. Then you can buy member revive cards to bring you back to life.

When you pick your character, you have to wait on other players to join your game. It will not take that long. Once you have everyone that joined the game, it will start. You and the other ninjas will now be standing on a snow platform. On the other side of the platform, there will be snow minions. They are the bad guys. You need to walk to them. When you get close enough to them, there will be a red target on them. Click on it. That will strike them. They can strike you as well though. If you are closer to them, it won't take off as much damage as it would when you are standing far away. Eventually, you get through all three rounds, there is also a bonus round if everyone has full life. When you start to earn parts of your suit, there is twenty- four parts to it. They count the videos you get as parts. There is nine videos. The first video will be your first part. You can watch these. They will show you Sensei's life and his childhood. I really like these videos and I think that you will too. And that is how you play Card Jitsu Snow. Good Luck!!

If you have any questions about this version of Card Jitsu, message me.

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