P r e f a c e

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"Harry, boy, w-what is this?" he stammered as he stared at his son's lifeless body on the floor, his floor.

"Sir it is not what it looks like..." I answered in loss of words.

This was the exact byplay he would expect me to be responsible for. I never truly earned his trust. He always saw me as the bad boy his son was associated with. What he was incognizant of was that Adam's inconsiderate actions had always put us through rough patches.

"I never should've trusted you with my son," he said slightly raising his voice, "my son," he repeated, a quiet sob escaping his jittering lips.

Falling on his knees, he took Adam's cold body in his trembling hands. He was so pale. All that was left was the blood that had once flowed thick and scarlet in Adam's veins, clasped in his stiffened fingers. His head shot up, brine flowing through his eyes as a long held sigh was released.

"Get out of my house before I kill you with my bare hands," he threatened.

I stood there, stiff as a board, unable to move a muscle. My feet were anchored to the ground. I expanded my lips insignificantly before sealing them shut instantaneously. No words would ever fully narrate this sight. Not the death of his son, my best friend.

I held back the tears threatening to leave my bloodshot eyes. Bits of salted love irrevocably dripped down my face past my cheeks as a whimper liberated my mouth.


I didn't move an inch, the screeching sounds of his voice echoing through my ears. I wasn't going to leave, not now, not when this could be the last glimpse I'd get from him, Adam.

"Please," he solicited me with pleading eyes.

I took a glance at Adam, the remains of my sorrow sliding down the car of my existence. Maybe it was best if I'd leave. It wasn't out of fear, but out of gratitude. I was grateful for the friend I had the privilege of knowing. And now it was over, the end of our sojourn together.

My feet were, all of a sudden, freed from the gravity that was once rooting them into the depth of the earth. I headed towards the door and out.

"I miss you." Those three words came out as nothing more than a whisper.


The calescent water ran down my body as all our memories came flooding back. Clearing my mind seemed unattainable. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. My muscles arched as the frigid air collided with the surface of my body sending goosebumps all over it.

Unanticipatedly, a loud knock thundered at the door. The disturbance made me jump. As I opened the door, the sight of an unquestionably drunk father stood before me.

"I-am-sick-of-your-shit," he said, the words tumbling from his mouth in a rush of barely distinguishable syllables.

I stared at his red eyes in concern and unease. Words failed me once more as my lips were fixed shut.

"Mr. Davis, sir, you are drunk," I pointed out while reaching for his arm.

"Gerrofff me!" he slurred, "I'm ash sober ash a man can git. I'm 'gon k-kill you and there's nuffink you can do 'boutit. You killed 'em, my boy!"

The sorrow was evident as he mumbled the last part.

He pulled out a piece of metal that wasn't visible at first. When I realized it was Adam's pocket knife, my heart stopped. My throat was dry and my heartbeat could be felt pounding against my head.

His words splintered inside me causing more pain than Adam's death. He's telling me that there will be no more walks in the park, no more birthdays at the bowling alley and I won't see another snow season.

Maybe if I'd scream loud enough, death would fear me and come back when I was old, with grey hairs, in a wheelchair.

I looked at him, his body creeping closer towards me; however, one thing caught my attention, an ornament that slung across his neck, lying on his chest. Its beauty was almost magical.

I was too deep in my thoughts to realize I was stabbed. The feeling was agonizingly painful. I fell to the floor, life flashing out of my body. The pain that once burned like fire had faded away to an icy numbness. Black filled the edges of my vision and the only thing I could hear was my own heartbeat. My breath came in ragged, shallow gasps. Seconds passed as I lay there.

The despair and suffering of the world that took everyone I loved away from me. I would be joining them soon though. I would be able to leave all the pain behind. I closed my eyes, I could die happily now, or so I thought.

The numbness faded as I felt a hand graze into my skin.

"Not so fast," he grinned evilly.

He opened the pendant carefully. I felt my soul being sucked out of my body.

What is happening to me?

What is going on?

I should be dead.

Then everything went black.

I opened my heavy eyelids as I studied my surroundings.

Trapped, that's how I felt. No way out. I searched for something, anything, a crevice, a seal, but the walls were a shiny surface with no clues as to how I ever got in here in the first place. There was no door, there were no odors and the blackness is absolute, not a trace of light anywhere. My prison was a perfect cube, the corners just reachable if I extended my arms like a starfish. My breathing was steady, my mind still focused.

If there was a way in, there is a way out, it's just a matter of thinking clearly until I find it.

Hey guys,
Okay so it's finally here. Many of you have been waiting for this for a while now and I have done a lot of effort in this. Hopefully you will all love the book incredibly. The cover is also amazing made by my best friend @Dreamator_1d who will also be co writing the story with me and @exposures because she is awesome. Thank you so much. I will be dedicating each chapter to someone according to how happy you make me. Please feel free to recommend my story to others and I accept requests to read your stories. If you are going to hate on the book, don't bother reading it.
All the love,

Masked Hearts // harry styles auWhere stories live. Discover now