Chapter eleven

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I woke up with a headache, a really bad one and my eyes were hard to get open and by hard to get open I mean I can't open them, but I did hear voices.

"So doc, what happened to her?" A voice said and boy could I hear that voice more often.

"Well Alpha, it seems that we caught the last rouge,what shall we do with her?"what I'm guessing is the doctor said.

Really moon goddess? This is what you give me. Granted what I did with Xavier was stupid , but now I get to die when I'm in a coma. Yay!(note the sarcasm)

" Well you know how much I despise this new law, so lets wait till she wakes up again and see if she is as evil as Xavier said."The alpha replied, but that is as much as I heard because I blacked out again.
I woke up again, but this time with my eyes open. The room I was in was white and,obviously, a hospital room.

"Ah, look who's up, let me call the alpha." Said a familiar voice, which was the doctor.

A minute later a man came through the door, he was tall with flawless skin, black hair, and a muscular build. Also he had bright green eyes, that I couldn't look away from, and as I looked into his eyes I smelled the most amazing smell, clove and cinnamon and I knew he was my second chance at having a mate.

But, he doesn't deserve someone as low as me , which is why I'm sure he'll reject me, just like Xavier. But he goes and sits down in the chair next to me.

"Ben your dismissed." He said,"So, tell me about yourself."

"Really, your not going to reject me!" I said ,clearly astonished.

"No, why would you think that?" He asked clearly confused.

"Well my last experience wasn't all that great, how do you think I became a rouge?" I said.

"Wait, you had another mate." He said sounding hurt.

"Why do you think Xavier hates me so much?" I replied.

His eyebrows furrowed as he figured out my riddle,"Xavier was your first mate? Why did he reject you?"

"Yes, he was my mate and to why he rejected me, let me just say the last time I retold that story I cried until I passed out." I told him not really wanting to retell the story at the moment.

His face contorted into a look of anger and sadness and he seemed to be somewhat confused," Well, you aways have me to lean on from now on."

"You aren't going to force me to tell you?" I said truly happy that this man is kind.

" No why would you think that?"

"Well, every other person I have ever met has done nothing but hurt me. They all just broke my heart." I murmured."Even Jace."

"Wait, you knew Jace Pierce?" He said.

"Yeah, I knew him well." I said.

" Oh, Jace was a good beta, sad way he died though, demon attack. His little sister was there too, poor girl, she couldn't do anything to save him. I heard that she blames herself, even though she had nothing to do with it" somehow as he retold my story it made me feel better and I found myself wanting him to continue but he stopped.

"You forgot the part were my parents beat me and my mate rejects me because he and everyone else in the pack believed that I let Jace die, which I even blame myself for." I said bluntly.

I know, I'm a huge Debbie downer, but I don't really care at this moment. If he really wants to keep me as his mate, he can deal with this for a little bit.

"Your Evea Pierce?" He asked and I loved the way he said my name.

"The one and only. Now that is enough about myself, tell me about yourself, I mean we are mates and I would like for this to turn out well." I replied truthfully.

" Well, my name is Nick Barnes. I'm alpha of the midnight shadow pack and my favorite color is forest green." He said.

Nick Barnes, what a handsome name. A handsome name for a handsome man.

"Yeah and he's ours, all ours.'' Aria barked out, sounding happier than she's been in years and I couldn't help but giggle.

"What's so funny?" Nick asked

" Oh, nothing." I said.
" Well, okay." He said cheerfully." I'm going to take you back to my house, it is much nicer there than in this hospital."

"Okay." I quietly said looking into his forest green eyes.

Man, I am really starting to like this man.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Does anyone know were else Nick was seen? Well anyways, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving or if you aren't in the USA had a great day.
Thanks for reading,


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