Chapter 8: Survivors

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"I'm tired of walking. Can we please take a break?" Quinn asked.

"We've been walking for a long time." Cameron agreed.

"Okay, guys let's stop." Megan said.

The sun had completely risen and the cloak of darkness had been removed, leaving only the masking shadows of the trees to block out segments of light. Sparkles of sunlight bounced off the dewy tree branches. The morning sun had brought in fresh, warmer air than the night had held.

Megan spotted a cluster of fallen trees and so they stopped there, sitting on the fallen tree trunks.

"This log is wetter than I expected." Megan said. Her jeans soaked from the moss.

"Can we have some food?" Emma said, "I'm kinda hungry."

Megan pulled off her backpack and dug out some cans. "Soup anyone?" She asked.

"Cold?" Quinn asked. "We don't have a microwave to heat it up."

"Well I only grabbed food that wouldn't spoil and most of it isn't that great. Just be grateful we have food." Megan grumbled.

It turns out, cold soup wasn't that bad. It was a little hard to swallow, but otherwise fine. After eating, everyone's energy was a little higher.

"What direction is the river?" Emma asked, looking around at the green forest.

Megan pointed North West. Everyone's eyes traced her finger, staring out at the abyss of hemlock trees. "I think it's over there."

"You think?" Michael questioned, "You mean you don't know?"

"Er... Not exactly, no." Megan looked at the ground, "I'm not one hundred percent sure."

"So..." He raised an eyebrow, "You mean we're following a speculation? You actually have no clue what you're talking about?"

"Well I walk around in these woods a lot, so I know what I'm doing..." Megan said, "...For the most part."

Jacob cleared his throat, "She's right."

"We should start walking again." Emma cut in.

"What should we do with our cans?" Quinn asked.

"We'll leave them here." Megan said, chucking her can into the bushes.

"But that's littering." Quinn said.

"Quinn," Cameron crossed her arms, "I know you love the environment and stuff, but I don't think it really matters right now."

Quinn shrugged, "I guess."

Megan started leading the group towards the river. The soft moss was squishing under her feet, water seeping into her running shoes.

They emerged at the edge of a terrace. There was a clearing at the bottom with a tent set up in it.

"Who is that?" Cam asked.

"Why would I know?" Megan rolled her eyes. "We should talk to them."

"No we really shouldn't." Michael said, "It's every man for himself."

"Stop being so negative." Megan rolled her eyes, "Maybe they're friendly. They might help us out."

"Come on, let's go." Cam waved the group forward.

They ventured carefully down the side of the terrace. When they made it to the bottom, they could see the camp in more detail.

There was a small tent set up near the edge of the clearing. A fire pit was near the tent, further into the woods. There were four young adults standing near the fire pit, two women and two men. They glanced up quickly, eyes wide with fear, alert and ready, perceiving every detail.

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