Chapter 14 - My Enemy Is My Lover

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Oh it's on like donkey kong

Zayn's P.O.V

I quickly jump at the sofa feeling the tiredness. What happen a while ago is a torture! I don't know if I'm only imagining things but Tyler was making me jealous with Anna. I know anna mumbled a few sorry's to me. but I can't help it I am so jealous.

What am I gonna do? I'm in a relationship with a girl who has a boyfriend which she is my enemy before. weird. 


Kids sitdown and let's eat. I pull the chair out for Anna and she mouthed thankyou and looked at Tyler who is giving me a death glare. When I was about to sit beside anna he pulls the chair and sit with anna. What a douche. so I decided to sit at the other side with anna.

"Anna do you want?" I said offering her my spoon with a piece of meat on it.

"Yes Zayn thanks." she said and eat the food i gave her.

"How about mine baby?" I glanced at tyler who is smirking and offered anna a spoonful food to. wow.

"Thankyou baby." Anna respond and eat the food.


"Here anna eat mine" she takes it.

"No take mine" Tyler said and she takes it.

"Here it some carrots louis' loves this right?" she takes it.

"No carrots have no taste take mine here a cake." she takes it.

"No take mine!"

"stoff em full" anna said with a full food on her mouth.

"Take mine!"

"Take mine!"


we both slammed the table and stand up. I was about to smack his face but Anna broke the tension going.

"Could you guys stop!! My mom is here!! Have some respect." she said and pinched are noses and made us go back to are seat.

"Sorry mrs. kingsley." we both said in unision.

"Do you want my pie mrs. kinglsley?" I asked her immediatley.

"No mrs. kinglsey try this salad." Tyler offered and we both glared at each other.

"OH NO I DON'T WANT PIE OR FOOD ANYMORE! I'll be just over the sala kids and I think you guys should talk." Mrs. Kingsley said. she smiled and stand up.

We both look back at Anna whose having an anger managment right now. She look so pissed that her eyes are in full color red and 2 horns in top of her head. oh did i just say 2? I meant five and smokes coming out of her ears and a shocked josh just watching us. She stands up and look at both us with a horror on her face.


The rest is history let's just say when I got home I got this huge fresh and reddish hand printed on my skin like i got a tattoo and a one blackeye. I look like a panda. and don't ask what happened to Tyler. seeing his face makes me puke.

"UGHHHHHHH!" I sighed and fustration and tried to watch tv until a curly boy blocked my view.

"What man?" I asked him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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