Chapter 1

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(Zayn's POV)

I’m so confused. Something about me is changing, and it’s changing fast. I don’t really know what to do, or who to talk to about it. It’s just amazing how quickly your perspectives can change. One moment, you’re hanging out with your best friend, relaxing and chilling and the next...

I don’t know, I’m getting ahead of myself. It’s been happening for a while now, I can tell by how I started to notice him in a different way. Those blue eyes, so beautiful and inviting. His thin, pale pink lips that are always stretched out into a grin. His soft, feathery blonde hair that I always like to tousle, just to irritate him.

And then last night... last night. I don’t really know what happened, but maybe explaining it will help me understand.

The hotel room we’re staying in only has two beds, so Liam took the couch, Louis and Harry shared a bed of course, and that left the other bed for Niall and I.

It’s not like it’s a big deal, we’ve all slept in one bed before, and Niall and I have shared a bed together tons of times. But it was different last night. I remember we were the last ones awake last night, and Liam was talking in his sleep.

He must have been dreaming he was Batman or something, but it was hilarious. Niall and I could not stop giggling, and it must have worn him out, because he fell asleep shortly after. I don’t really remember when I knocked out, but the next thing I remember after laying there was walking down a dark road, alone.

I felt terrified, like I was being watched, but there was no one around. Actually, there was nothing around. Just dirt, grass, and asphalt for as far as I could see. I don’t remember how I got there, or what I was doing. I felt like I needed to keep walking, but I was petrified.

It was like an impending sense of doom, and it was chilling to the bone, making my blood run cold. Everything started to change then. My vision got fuzzy and all I could hear was a high frequency sound. I couldn’t tell which way was up, and I felt like the world was crashing down on me. I tried to run, but I no matter how fast I thought I was going, I remained trapped in the darkness.

I could feel my sanity slipping away, and without even realizing it, I started to call out his name. But it just made my panic intensify. I knew he wasn’t there, I knew he couldn’t help me, no one could. I was alone, and I losing my grip on reality. I suddenly felt cold beneath my skin, and realized I had fallen to the ground.

I was swallowed up by pure terror, and all I could do was lie there, curled into a ball, and wait for it to end. I don’t know how long I was like that, but the next thing I knew, I heard someone, faintly calling my name. I could hear the worry in their voice. “Zayn? Zayn?” it said, over and over.

I opened my eyes and looked around for the source, but still, all I could see was obscure calignosity, clouded with darkness so black it hurt my eyes. I wanted to scream, to be heard, to be rescued, but when I tried to yell out, I couldn’t find the words

. A pathetic sounding sob was all that escaped my lips, but it didn’t matter. It’s not like anyone could hear me anyways. “Zayn?” There it was, that voice again, sounding more concerned this time. It had to be in my head, right?

There was no around, but I suddenly felt a warm hand on my shoulder. It almost hurt; a stark contrast against the ice that was coursing through my veins. The grip got stronger, and I heard my name again. “Zayn.”

I recognized the voice this time. An accent that thick is hard to miss. “N-niall..” I mumbled. God it hurt to talk. I was vaguely aware of his arms around me, pulling me to his side. I felt fingers pushing hair out of my face, and I heard a “Shhhh” in my ear.

A sense of calm slowly started to come over me, though I still couldn’t see anything. The pain had begun to dissipate, and I could now feel his warm body against mine. The closer I got to him, the safer I felt. His fingers were moving in slow circles against my back as his lips touched my ears

. “You’re okay, Zayn, I’ve got you. I’ve got you, you’re safe now.” I felt a kiss against my forehead before exhaustion took over once again, and I fell back into oblivion.

I woke up the next morning and I got up to go shower like I do every morning. I walked into the bathroom, not knowing anyone was in there, and felt something stir inside of me when I saw Niall standing there naked, brushing his teeth.

“Don’t you knock?” he said with a smirk on his face. “S-sorry mate” I said, my face heating up. “Nah man it’s cool… Um, did you want to shower together or..?” he asked when I didn’t leave. “Oh! Sorry, no. I just, I didn’t realize...” I forgot what I was saying as a smirk played on Niall’s face.

I could tell he was enjoying my embarrassment. “Just let me know when you’re done” I said as I turned to leave. I could hear him laughing as I walked back to my room. Why was I feeling so strange around him? He’s my best mate, and I’m always completely comfortable around him. But everything has been changing lately.

I notice different things about him. How good he looks in tight jeans, how soft and creamy his skin is, his slight v-line and toned tummy, the perfectly sculpted muscles in his back and size of his biceps... It’s all been driving me crazy.

He just looks so good and I can’t help but imagine what being with him is like. But no... I can’t think like that. I like girls. I have a girlfriend.

She’s beautiful, and I love her, but lately, I feel so distant around her. I feel uncomfortable being affectionate with her; even making eye contact is weird. I almost feel as if I’m lying to her by doing that stuff. The worst part is, I know she knows something is up.

She’s even asked me about it, and I just lie and say everything’s fine. I think she thinks I’m seeing another girl on the side. I would never do that, ever. There’s no other girl I’d rather be with. I’ve told her that, but I just can’t find the words to tell her that there is someone else I’m falling for.

Someone else that’s always on my mind. I don’t think she would believe me, anyways. And it’s not like that person feels the same way, so what’s the point? But I can’t keep going on like this; it’s not fair to Perrie. I can’t stand knowing that while she is giving me her undivided attention, someone else has a hold on my heart. It’s so hard admitting this, even to myself, but, I’m falling for my band mate.

I am in love with my best friend, and I don’t know what to do about it.


A/N: Hello to all you lovely Wattpaders ;) lol Here is the first chapter!! What do you think so far?

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