Chapter 1: Just the Beginning

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It's just a day before the first day of high school and I just can't wait. It's just a day before the first day of 9th grade. I just can't wait to see my friends again. Its been the last summer that I saw my friends.

"Today it's the day!" I squealed, as I got up from my bed and got ready for school. After I got ready, I rushed downstairs, where my parents were eating breakfast. "Ready for the first day of high school, sweetheart?" my dad asked. "Ready!" I replied. "Ok sweetheart, just remember, be yourself, and you have to keep your powers hidden ok?" my mom told me. "Ok, I'll remember."

When the bus arrived at school, I stepped out of the bus and took a deep breath and started walking inside the school. As I walked in, I notice  a  couple of similar faces. "Is that my friends?" I wondered. I continue walking on the way in the school, and those similar faces came up to me and said "Hi Sirri!." "Hi?" I replied, confusing. "Don't you remember us?." "Uhh.. no." I answered questioningly. "It's us, Erica, Brec, and Valerie." "Erica? Brec? Valerie?. You guys look so different!" "I know!" Erica squealed. "So.... how's your summer?" I asked. "It was good." Erica replied, as we walked inside the school.

As Erica, Brec, Valerie and I walked in, we noticed that the assistant principal, Mrs. Rose, were handing out the students' schedule and their locker combination. As soon Mrs. Rose was done handing everyone including Valerie, Brec, and Erica, Mrs. Rose told me "Come with me, the principal, Mr. Starc, wants to see you." I nodded. My friends were confused and didn't know why the principal wants to see me but I wasn't confused and I knew why. My friends didn't know, but I can't tell them about my powers so, Mr. Starc will show me my special locker. As Mrs. Rose guided me to Mr. Starc's office, Mr. Starc greeted me with a smile. "Hello, Sirri." Mr. Starc said with a warm greeting. "Hi, you liked to see me about my locker, sir?" I replied. "Yes. I talked with your parents just a day before school starts and I heard that you're a witch and have powers, so I decided to assigned you to locker 13.  Don't worried, your locker is near your friends." Mr. Starc said. "Ok, what about my classes?" I asked. "Your classes is half with your friends in the morning and the another half is by yourself in the afternoon. Are you ok with that Sirri?" "Yes, I'm ok with that. Thank you, Mr. Starc." I said.  Mr. Starc gave me my locker combination and my schedule.  I thanked him and headed out to the door.  This boy came into Mr. Starc's office and Mr. Starc talked to him like he did with me.  "He must be new to the school" I thought, as I walked out the door. 

As I'm heading to my locker, my friends were waiting for me at my locker to go homeroom.  "Did you get your locker combination and your schedule yet?" asked Brec.  "Yep, I got it," showing to them.  I told them about the boy that I saw earlier.  "I saw this boy and he looked new." I told them, as we're heading to homeroom. 

As we got to homeroom, our teacher, Mrs. Flora, told me that the new kid, Brandon, it's going to have the same classes as me.  I nodded and headed out.

As I'm heading to Mr. Starc's office, the new kid, Brandon and Mr. Starc, was waiting for me.  After I introduced myself to Brandon, Mr. Starc told me that I've to give Brandon a tour around the school.  I nodded and started walking out of Mr. Starc's office with Brandon.  "And lastly, your locker.  Your locker number is 18 and here's your combination." I said, as we were walking to Brandon's locker.  "Thanks" he said, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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