Who we are

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AHH, the feeling of freedom washed over me. That bell was what I had been waiting for; for what felt like an eternity. Walking out of the school I couldn't help but, well smile.

Walking towards my car, out of no where I hear a blood curdling scream. I turned around just in time. Lydia?! How many seconds 3? There's no time, I didn't even realize my actions until, the car hit me.

Oww!!!!!! Shit!!! Why did I do that?!? I would most defiantly feel that LATER! "DON'T MOVE!!!" The voice commanding me sounds panicked. I wonder why? Oh wait I know, I was just hit by a CAR!

I have 3 seconds left. I remember the 3 seconds. I got up, someone was pushing me back down? "Stop! What do you think you're doing?!?" I knew the voice all to well, Lydia.

Looking up at her I realize we have the same eyes. Her eyes mirrored mine. "What does it look like I'm doing?" My eye brows raised questioning her judgement.

"Are you seriously insane?!?", she looks pissed. WHY?

"Why am I insane?" My brain was done and it looks like my times up too.

"You have got to be the dumbest person I have ever met! Do you really think no one would notice that you were gone? You're not going anywhere, so just sit down and behave like the good little boy I know you can be." Somethings up with her voice. It sounds as though she's trying to save my ass. Why?

"Thanks for saving me. I owe you." She's being sincere, My eyes didn't have to be open to hear it. Thats the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

"He's coming around!" I hear Lydia say. She stayed with me, or maybe I was dead like my family. Ouch, dammit, nope I'm still alive and on earth for that fact.

I really didn't want to open my eyes or talk to anyone for that matter.

My eyes popped open. I just couldn't act dead, now could I. I over exaggerated my sigh, making it loud and extremely long.

"Are you alright?", so she did somewhat care. Hmm. I didn't even want to care, I want her gone. I want to be dead so I won't have to see her face ever again.

"What do you think?", I'm agitated anyone in their right mind could sense that, maybe even see it.

She looks up at me, her eyes were full of regret and sorrow. At this moment I want to go and get ran over again. She doesn't deserve my asshole behavior, well at least not at this moment.

"The doctor said that your absolutely fine. Not even a scratch.", she smiled. Must have been an inside joke, but I'm still to agitated to really care.

Of course I'm not hurt. I knew that. I'm not human and neither is she for that matter. We obviously can die, but it takes a lot to kill someone like Lydia and I.

Why is she staring at me like that?

"What?" I decided it was probably the best idea to be direct.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing."why is she lying to me? Has she always been such a terrible liar?

I couldn't hide the chuckle that bursts out of my mouth without warning. "That's funny." I really couldn't stop laughing even if laughing is somewhat painful.

"What?" She looks embarrassed. New look for herself. She never got embarrassed.

"Well no offense or anything, but your a terrible liar." I guess I'm not the first person to tell her that. By the look on her face I guess I was correct.

Saved by the doctor. "Well, Mr. Weston, you are free to go." About time! "Thanks Doc." Sliding out of the hospital bed, I turned and winked in Lydia's pretty little irritated face.

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