What If?

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It could have almost been called the most private wedding in the Upper East Side's history, until the police took both the bride and groom in for questioning. Chuck and Blair were later released due to late of evidence and witnesses.

"We're here" Blair chirped as her and Chuck arrived through the elevator.
"Your free?" Serena questioned as her best friend and her husband walked into the living room.
"So, everything's okay?" a concerned Nate asked.
"Well, Cyrus is finishing up at the police station, but we refused to talk" Chuck answered.
"And since there's no actual evidence that Chuck was even on that roof-
"No witness" Chuck interrupted
"Except his wife." Blair said as she bumped a him on the shoulder.
"The had no choice but to let us go." Chuck explained further, "Bart's death will be ruled as an accident. Thank You." Chuck said as he saw Jack, his Uncle, walk in with a vodka on the rocks.
"It's actually for her." Jack said pointing to Dorota, the loyal Waldorf maid.
"Miss Blair, I so worried about you and Mister Chuck, and brain exploding from Lonely Boy news, I need vodka." Dorota tried to explain her reasoning for drinking to her employer.
"We all need lot's of Vodka Dorota, and champagne. My mother and Lily are at Citarella right now getting food, we're going to have a wedding reception." Blair explained with the biggest smile on her face. "And don't even think that you will be in invited Humphrey. We read while we were waiting, you have a lot of explaining to do." Blair's face turned from happy to confused and angry.
"What do you want to know Blair?" Dan asked, willing to answer any questions,
"Why do you look so amused for?" Blair asked a suspiciously smirking Serena.
"It's just that I felt the same way, until I realized that I am fine with it." Serena looked into her boyfriend's eyes.
"Fine?" Blair questioned in a snappy tone.
"He stopped posting after our accident, shut down the site. I mean, we always knew it was one of us right?" Chuck explained to his wife.
" I always thought it was Dorota." Blair confessed as Dorota choked on her at the sound of the absurd idea.
"You know I actually thought it was Eric for a bit, but then I thought it was you, Rufus." Serena stated.
"My Dad? Come on."
"Hey, It could have been me. I always thought it was Nate." Rufus quickly pointed to Nate.
"Did anyone think it could be me?" Georgina asked disappointedly.
"My mind was on the blonde broad in London." Jack declared without enthusiasm
"Why do you all think this is funny? Gossip Girl ruined our lives." Blair asked furiously.
"Is your life really ruined Blair?" Chuck asked his newlywed wife.
"If you think about it, we are all on track to do what we wanted to do." Nate said trying to reassure that everything happened for a reason.
"But he schemed and lied and spread horrible stories." Blair said as Chuck pulled her closer to his chest.
"Blair, I think your just mad because Dan was the one who was pulling the strings all along." Serena supported her boyfriend,
"This whole time I had more power than you." Dan said as Blair death glared him.
"But what he did with that power, was write a love letter, not just to me but to all of us. He made me realize that I don't want to run away, that you guys are my family, I belong here, so does Dan." Serena said as she reached for Dan's hand.
"So I guess that means it's all over now. That we can all grow up and move on with our lives." Blair said with relief and fear. Fear to face the world as an adult, without an excuse for her mistakes.
"Yep, Gossip Girl's dead." Dan said feeling nostalgic.

Lily and Eleanor later arrived with food from Citarella.

Blair went to go get changed into something more comfortable for the wedding reception. Blair changed into a white, body hugging, Alexander McQueen gown. She also changed from her wedding shoes into a beautiful pair of rose gold, Christian Dior, heels with diamante butterfly intertwined with the front strap. Blair also wore a beautiful, and simple Harry Winston necklace to match her engagement ring. She decide to keep her hair as it was for the wedding so that she could get to her reception.

As Blair was getting changed she realized that her period was late. Last month she missed her period but had came to the conclusion that it was because she was stressed about running Waldorf Designs, and not being able to be with her one and only, Chuck until her had regained Bass Industries. Because what if?

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