Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

            We arrived ten minutes lator, and Harry opened the door for me. "My lady." he said, bowing. I giggled like a child, "Thank you my good sir." I said as he helped me out of the black cabbie. I looked at my surroundings, a childish smile on my face. We were at an old fashioned movie theater. It was shaped in a dome, lit up only by street lamps near by. The chizzled stone arches were draped in moss & ivy, wrapping it in a deep green blanket. Harry smiled at my awe, slipping his hand in mine. "Ready to go in?" he asked I nodded, still unable to find words. Yeah, london has a lot of old stone buildings like this, but I live in Bradford, and I'm always working, if not than I'm dancing. I busy myself as much as possible. I have a reason though..

                 The inside of the building was even beter than the out. red & gold vintage wallpaper, a crystal chandeleir liting up the room, an old fashioned projector & screen, and little old fashioned lamps that would go on when the chandeleir was off. "Harry, this is.." I finally found my words. "Just like the movies?" he asked I nodded, feeling out of place in the room, even though I was dressed so formaly. I mean, even in America, I never care much for the old buildings, because most of them were surrounded by construction, or turned into some sort of store. "When I was younger, my parents brought me here for the classic movie festival." he said as we sat down. "What was your favorite movie?" I asked. "Grease." I smiled, that was mine and Assilyn's "special" movie (as she called it.) "I love that movie!" I yelled, but blushed when it echoed of of the walls. he chuckled. "Well than you'll like this." he said, and the lights dimmed. I smiled when "Grease is the word" began playing, and the cartoon Danny Zuko played on the screen.

              After the movie, Harry called another cabbie, and we sat in the back giggling and talking. Another few minutes passed & we got out of the cab. We were at the London Eye. It was dark out now, and the sides were lit up bye colorul lights. There was no one on it. "Harry, did you rent the london eye?" I asked in shock. He smiled. "Yeahhhh." he said, biting his lip. Ok thats sexy.. "Come on." he smiled widley as we reconected our hands as we ran towards it. He helped me in, then shut the door. I looked & saw he had set up a table, with a candle in the middle. "Dinner & a movie?" I smiled. He nodded, "Yeah. One difference though.." he said, pulling the covers off our food. "My favorite!" I squeled like child. "Pizza is your favorite?" he asked. I nodded taking a bite. "This is the most anyones ever done for me." I said, looking out of the glass at all of the city lights.

                I fell asleep on the car ride home, giving myself permission to snuggle close to Harry, his arm protectively around me. He walked me to my door, and I smiled, "Aren't you coming in?" I asked. His eyes lit up and he smiled, "Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes, "Come on." I grabbed his hand & pulled him in with me. "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARIE!!!!!!!!!" I heard Assilyn yell from the kitchen. I chuckled, me & Harry took off our jackets before walking in the kitchen. "I bought milk. Oh hai Harry." she said, covered in flour. "Heyyyy" Harry smiled at her. "Watch ya making?" I asked. " My cookies." she replied. "Your cookies, as in your cookies?" I asked her. She nodded. "OHMAIGODYOURCOOKIES!!!" I screeched. You see, when me & Assilyn first moved here, we had a lot of freetime, and a big sweet tooth. So, we grabded oreos, mini marshmallows, choclate chips, chocolate fudge, and triple choclate fudge cookie dough, mashed it all together & cooked it. Than we put chocolate syrup over it, with whipped cream and blue berry jello on the side. BEST THING YOU WILL EVVVER EAT. Those are the best you will ever taste. Harry smiled at me tackling her. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou-" "OK. " she stopped my rant. "I'm gonna go change out of this dress..." I said, looking down at the now flouer covered ruffles. "I'll help." Harry said cheekily. I was about to glare at him, but found something better to do.

Harry's P.O.V.

              Tonight was on of the best dates I've ever been on. Marrie smiled at me, "Awe Harry! That;s so nice of you! Ok I'll go change whall you help Assilyn make the cookies." she smiled at me. I fake pouted as she pranced away, proud of her little "trap". "Alright then lover boy, sice all I have to do now is put them in the oven, you can just wipe the counter, and I'll get the stove." Assilyn said, handing me a damp rag. We fineshed up the kitchen & sat down in the living room for som teli. "Have you asked her to be your girlfriend yet?" she asked, turning to face me. I felt my blood rush to my cheeks. "Not yet.. I-I'm planning to ask her soon though." I said, nervous. She smiled, "You better take care of her. You don't know what she's been through. And if you don't..." she trailed off, smirking. I was a little confused but shook it off when  Marrie walked in.  

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