Pant 1

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It all started at the 2016 elections, Bernie Sanders and Donald trump were neck and neck in the elections, Donald Trump winning barely. All the other Candidates running against Bernie had disappeared, Donald Trump knew this, he knew that Bernie had them brutally executed by his henchmen.

Skip to the last day of the election, it is time to tally the votes, but mysteriously, Donald trump disappeared just like the rest of the Candidates. Bernie had won and immediately enforced his rule. Bernie invested large sums of money in the human advancements division, which resulted in Bernie creating a billion dollar suit which would extremely decrease the aging process you Bernie could live for another 4000 years easily.

Bernie ruled with an Iron Fist, he would have Trump Enthusiasts publicly executed in front of crowds of thousands and ran a Nazi type government, Executing only Trump Enthusiasts and Rebels. Bernie had waged WW3 by 2120, where he sent in modified soldiers who wiped out countries in hours and because of this all 7 continents and every country on them were now part of New Bernie.

The year is 2410, this is where my story begins, my name is David Trump and I am here to avenge my ancestors death. I loaded my Sniper rifle, I knew there was no turning back after what I would do today, I rented a hotel room across from where the speech would be occurring and I set up my post, today I would die for what was right.

As Bernie arrived and got ready to speak to the crowd I put my rifle into position. "Come on David" I reassured myself that this was the right thing to do. Bernie was halfway through his speech It is time I aimed the rifle right for Bernie's head,
"Fuck you commie bastard" I mumbled as I pulled the trigger, The bullet hit Bernie with such force that I blew his head clean off, It was over, the crowd screamed, half terrified and the other half overjoyed, an all out panic erupted, thousands of crowd members overpowered guards and took their rifles, murdering other guards, I had started a rebellion. I shot out of my hotel room, guards were storming up the stairs to the right, I bolted down the left hallway, dead end. I was cornered, without hesitation the guards raised their rifles and unloaded, I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over.

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