Everything started from...

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Justin's POV:

Me and the other boys were really bored so we decided to play a simple game called Truth or Dare? I found this game really ridiculous though. I shook of my thoughts as Louis called Zayn's name. "Zayn! Truth or Dare?" he asked him with a smirk upon his face. Zayn decided to pick truth since he doesn't want to humiliate himself in front of the whole school. When it comes to Louis asking you Truth or Dare? , you should probably pick truth because if you pick dare, you'll end up all naked in front of his locker or you'll end up fucking some slut who is really bad at kissing. I remembered fucking some chick called Tiffanny or Montana and she was one of the worst kisser ever. She's really sloppy. I rolled my eyes and listened to Zayn answering Lou's question while looking around the cafeteria. I noticed this girl and asked Liam who she is. He told me that she was this new girl who just transferred from Tennessee. I smile to myself as I watch her making jokes while laughing with Demi and Selena. I was having a really good time watching her until Harry slapped me in the arm. "Ouch! What was that for!?" I asked him while rubbing my arm. "Well.. You need to answer my question! Truth or Dare?!" he asked me while rolling his eyes playfully with a smirk. I guess he saw me watching that new girl. Being the swaggy guy I am, I decided to pick dare. "Well, since I saw you checking out that girl over there." he pointed out to the new girl. "I decided to give you a very special dare. I dare you to make this girl fall in love with you. But! with in one condition, you can't fall for her. If you can't do that dare, you have to pay me for 10 bucks. But if you can make her fall for you in one week then I'll give you 50 bucks." he took out his wallet and gets his 50 bucks out of his wallet. "Alright then. 50 bucks, here I come!"

Still Justin's POV: 

The bell rang as I quickly grab my stuff and run to my next class which is music. I opened the door and looked around for seats. A smile formed upon my face when I saw the new girl in my class and a free seat next to her. I quickly walk to her but some nerdy guy took my place. I fake coughed as he looked up at me. I pointed to another free seat far away from the new girl as I told the guy to go away from my seat. He quickly grab his stuff and walk away, sitting on another seat at the back of the class. I sat down and look at her. "What was that?" she asked me while raising her eyebrows. "What was what? Nevermind about that though. I'm Justin." I smiled wide. "And I'm Miley. Miley Cyrus." she flashed me back a smile. 

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