Chapter 1

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  Waking up to the annoying noise of my alarm clock was the worst thing ever. I turn to look at the time "8:30 am".

"Shit"I say to myself. I'm half an hour late to math. My teachers name is Mr.Payne. He's a really nice person so I'll hope he'll understand why I'm late.

As I walk through the empty halls and reach the math room I could see this tall man with curly, long hair and beautiful green eyes talking to the class. I was quite curious as to where Mr.Payne was.

I walk into the class and he stops talking and everyone's eyes are now on me.

"Hello. My name is Mr.Styles. Care to explain why you are late?"

"Sorry" I replied quietly. "I over slept."

"Well that is no excuse. This is a boarding school. The bell rings in the morning for everyone.There is no reason for being late. See me after class to discuss your punishment."

"Yes sir."  I said while walking to my seat all the way in the back of the class. This guy was pretty hot but he's like 30 and I'm 16. "Whatever" I think to myself. I'm still curious as to where Mr.Payne was. He was never absent.

Mr.Styles clears his throat and says "Back to what I was saying. Mr.Payne will no longer be joining us at this school. I will be your new math teacher. Sadly, Mr.Payne's wife has passed away and shall be joining her family in Texas." 

"Oh my god." I think to myself. This can't be real. Mr.Payne was the nicest teacher I've ever had. A tear drop runs down my face but as soon as Mr. Styles notices, I stopped crying automatically.

"Ding. Ding" the bell for 1st period finally rang.

I grabbed all my stuffed and quickly got up but as I was heading for the door Mr. Styles grabbed my arm so tightly it almost cut off my blood circulation.

"Ow!" I screamed.

"Going somewhere?" Mr. Styles says in a creepy seductive voice.

"Oh yeah, the punishment. I forgot about that" I say. Shit I was hoping he'd forget. I didn't want to be spanked by Ms.Darhlm! She was rude, old, and annoying. She was one of those old people who thinks that every teenager is bad. I don't understand how she hasn't even retired yet.  

"What's your name?"

"Sarah" I replied shyly. He seemed so empowering. It was intimidating.

"Ok, Sarah. Your punishment will be 30 spankings for being 30 minutes late. And because Ms.Darhlm is not here today, I will have to punish you." He says with a small smirk on his face.


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