Chapter 1: LOL FML

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My name is Violet Landers. I am a 21 year old college student at Highpoint University. I'm currently majoring in Music Theory and Musical History, and I graduate in the spring.
Unfortunately, I'm also socially impaired, awkward, and a video game geek. I have very little friends, if any at all. I spend my weekends finishing homework and learning songs whilst in a Pikachu kigurumi, drinking cheap tea, and playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I need a life...
Sometimes my mom calls me and tells me how my brother, James, is. She will then proceed to yell at me and tell me to go meet new people and go on dates. I've never been on a date before, never in my 21 years experience. Even if I did, I'd end up scaring them off by doing stupid shit, like talking about my level 100 mudkip...
Video game geeks are socially unacceptable at my University, there's only room for chorus nerds and theatre geeks. But who need friends when you have Resident Evil 6, right? Oh my god, Leon is so hot! I wish he were real!

Beep! Beep! Beep! My blaring alarm clock interupts my thoughts. I groan and rub my tired eyes. Oh hell. I curse inwardly. It's 6am on a Monday, and I HATE Mondays. Also, this has been my second night without sleep.
I grab my Charmeleon plushie and put him on my eyes.
"Why, body? Why? Please let me sleep! I love sleep, sleep is my friend!" You have no friends, my subconsious snarks. I stick my tongue out at her.
My trusty feline, Bear, comes to my rescue and nuzzles my face.
"She's wrong because I have you, and you're my friend!" I toss Charmeleon and sit up.
"Good morning, Bear!" I yawn, run my hands through my silk, black hair and stare into yellow eyes. He bats my nose softly and stares at my alarm, reminding that it is still going off.
"Yeah, sorry." I reach over and turn it off. I stretch and stumble out of bed. I pad towards the kitchen and Bear trots after me. I take my iPhone off the charger and see if I have any notifications at all, though I hardly ever do. Today's my lucky day! One text message, from my mom. Hah, thats sad! Once again my subconsious butts in. I scowl at her and open up the message. It reads: Hey, honey! I want you to know that I love you and I'm proud of you. Try to meet new people this week, okay? I want grandbabies! LOL! I laugh at my moms cute message. She probably thought that her text was hilarious. Gah, she's cute! I reply with a simple: I love you too! LOL :)
Bear paws gently at my leg reminding me that he's hungry and wants his breakfast. He meows impatiently.
"I know! I know!" I set down my phone and trot over to the cabinet. I quickly open up a can of wet cat food as bear weaves between my legs. I set down the can and Bear begins to devour his food. I kneel down and pet him as he eats.
"Do you have to do that everytime? Someone is going to think I don't feed you." I stand back up, turn back to the counter and set up the coffee maker. Once it starts brewing, I walk back to my room to get ready for the day.
My daily uniform consists of a video game or anime related t-shirt, jeans, and my black Vans.
I slip on lacy black panties and a matching bra. Though I know no one will ever see them, they make me feel more confident and attractive, sexy even.
I stare at myself in the mirror. I have smooth ivory skin, but everyone including myself thinks I'm too pale. I wish I could tan, I've tried many times! But it always ends the same; me turning into a giant, red, peeling lobster of pain. Sounds sexy, right?
I look at my hair. I have really long hair, and it's very, very black. My waist length, wavy, raven coloured hair is probably one of the only things that I like about myself. I like how my hair caresses my breasts and makes them look bigger than they really are. Don't get me wrong, they're okay. I'm a 36C... I just wish they were a little bigger, that's all.
I look at my hips. They're wide, which makes feel slightly better about myself, but they and my thighs are adorned with scars...
I stop staring at the mirror and quickly slip on my favorite World of Warcraft t-shirt and light wash skinny jeans. I find some Pokémon socks and put them on as well.
I walk back to the kitchen and open the cabinet to retrieve my Star Wars mug. I then grab the coffee pot and pour some of its contents into my mug. I place the coffee pot back into the coffee maker and move to the refrigerator, I grab my creamer and pour some into my mug.
I don't find myself attractive. I mean, I think I'm alright looking but definitely not as pretty as the girls around here. Perhaps I would have more friends if I were more attractive and less awkward.
I sit at my dining table, in front of my laptop and scroll through my newsfeed on Facebook whilst drinking my coffee. Holy shit! E3 was this weekend?! I totally forgot! I MUST go! Where and when is it? I skim the article slowly. Blah blah blah... Special guest... blah blah blah... Rick James? I didn't know much about the guy, other than he was the person that just made a really popular MMO. He kinda sounded like most of the guy on MMOs, not respecting female gamers and such. Oh there it is! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6am to 9pm.
Speaking of which, what time was it now? I glance at the time on my computer. 7:00 am... I have to put my face on... blehhh...
I shut my laptop and make my way to the bathroom. I open the medicine cabinet and obtain my makeup. I actually have pretty good skin. I like to take care of it, I probably do face masks 3 times a week and wash my face everyday.
I take a cleansing wipe and go over my face, just to wake up my skin.
My everyday makeup, if I wear any, consists of powder foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. But these days I also apply concealer, due to the growing dark circles under my eyes.
I dab on primer and attempt at covering up my very sad, dark bags. Once they are mostly hidden, I powder my pale, pale face. Now for my eyes. I usually just sport some winged eyeliner. Due to the fact that my eyes are already over whelming. My eyes are green, not normal hazel green, they're GREEN. Like cat eyes, creepy and glowing. I used to get made fun of in Elementary school because of them, they said I was a black cat and was bad luck. Because of that, everyone avoided me in school. But in highschool I decided enough was enough, I embraced my creepy eyes by doing cat eyeliner on them. I've been doing it since.
I finish applying my mascara and check the time. 7:15... I gotta get going.
I put away makeup and grab my empty mug and move to the kitchen to place it in the sink. I slip on on my Vans, and grab my bag and wallet.
"Goodbye, kitten! Be good!" I shout back at Bear.
And now off to class... fuck me...

Have no fear! Chapter 2 will be published shortly

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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