Chapter 1

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*Nobody's pov*
Early in the morning in a house like villa. Tsunayoshi woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping. He smiled and got up holding onto the bed as he took five steps before sitting on his wheel chair. He left his room and headed down stairs using an elevator that their father had put there to help Tsuna get down stairs easier. Tsuna hummed to himself as he started to cook breakfast for him and his brother when he heard a knock at the door. He smiled and opened it to see Hibari Kyoya. He moved aside and let him in " Kyo-chan good morning" Hibari nodded " Good morning to you too Usagi" Tsuna went back into the kitchen and went back to cooking before making some tea for Hibari " here's your favorite tea Kyo-chan now sit down and enjoy" Hibari sat down and drank his tea happily. Tsuna chuckled and finished cooking breakfast before making himself an espresso. He set a plate of pancakes with maple syrup in front of Kyoya who ate it happily " Usagi your food is the best" Tsuna smiled at Hibari before he checked the time " oh its time to wake Hiro-kun" Hibari stood up I'll go wake him up" Tsuna smiled " thank you so much Kyo-chan now off you go while I finish preparing your lunches " Hibari went upstairs and into Hiroyoshi's room. He chuckled evilly and smacked Hiroyoshi in the head with his tonfa " Hiroyoshi Sawada wake up or I'll bite you to death" Hiro got up holding his head " shesh Hibari can't you be more gentler when you wake me. " Hibari just left the room and went back down stairs. While Hibari was waking Hiro Tsuna did the dishes before he went to get the mail. When he came back he saw a baby in a suit. Tsuna picked him up and put him on his lap " aww aren't you a cute baby. Where's your mother huh Chibi-chan?" Reborn was surprised and it took all his skills not to blush " my name is Reborn and I'm here to train Hiroyoshi. Nice to meet you Mama " Tsuna looked at reborn " So dad finally choose one of us. I swear when I can walk again he is so getting his ass kicked. So Reborn want an expresso?" Reborn nodded and Tsuna went into the kitchen and made one for him before handing it to him " here you go" Reborn drank it and he felt like he melted " this expresso was made by an Angel" Tsuna chuckled " thank you. If you want some more just tell me. " Tsuna set Reborn on a chair and went into the livingroom. He stopped near the couch and stood up holding the couch. He took a couple of steps before falling down. He sighed and tried to get up, but couldn't " I really hate my legs at the moment. Stupid Esterano family. I swear if only dad had said something about this earlier" Tsuna sighed before he felt himself being picked up. He looked and saw it was Reborn " Ren-kun you don't have to do that." Reborn smiled " I wanted to" Just then Hibari and Hiro walked down the stairs and saw Reborn helping Tsuna. Hibari immediately went to see if he was alright "I'm fine Kyo-chan I just fell doing some extra steps." Tsuna picked up Reborn "thank you Ren-chan" Reborn looked at Tsuna "why are you calling me Ren-chan?" Tsuna smiled softly " well your name in Italian is Renato so you can see where I got the Ren from and the chan part is cause I want to" Reborn tried not to blush before looking at Hiro " Dame-Hiro, you will be the new Vongola boss." He then turned to Hibari " Hibari Kyoya you will be the cloud guardian of Dame-Hiro" Hibari and Hiro glared at Reborn " what makes you think that we would do that. Usagi told us about this long ago and we won't do it. We just want to make sure Usagi is safe and being in the mafia makes it worse" Hiro nodded "As long as he can't walk or protect himself we will never join the mafia so Reborn tell Dad and Grandpa they can let Xanxus become Vongola Decimo for all we care. " Reborn sighed and looked at Tsuna " How did you know all about the Vongola?" Tsuna smiled " well you see I told them" Reborn looked at Tsuna " Explain now" Tsuna smiled " gladly well whenever Papa would call Jiji from the house I would always listen and found some interesting things, but for some reason whenever he spoke Italian I understood perfectly because of a small voice at the back of my head telling me what he said something even weirder was I could speak those words Anyways whenever Papa left I call Jiji and started asking him questions and whenever he lied something told me. I called him out and he told me everything. It intrested me so I asked about it like what were the guardians and why did they have the names of weather's or things that are in the sky. He told me about my heritage. I was kinda mad at Papa for lying to us because a few days later Mama was killed while Hiro was at school. I was eight at the time anyways while my legs healed fully the nerves were damaged so I stayed in the hospital for longer and thats where I met little Kyo-chan. He was sharing my room and during one night he couldn't get to sleep, so he asked me to sing for him because he had heard me singing a couple of times. I just smiled and sang him a song he fell asleep and I did the same after a while. After that incident Hiro came with Papa and visited me. Kyo-chan was still in the hospital, but I didn't know why until I saw him using a crutch. Usually he'd just stay in bed or sit at the window and look out. So when Hiro visited I introduced him to Kyo-chan who Hiro seemed to recognise and didn't want to near him. I just scolded Hiro and he told me what he knew about Kyo-chan. I just smacked his head and sighed. I told him that Kyo-chan was a very sweet little boy and he was just misunderstood. After a while Hiro gathered his courage and started talking to Kyo-chan. While this was happening I was off the bed and in a wheelchair smacking Papa with one of Kyo-chan's crutches as hard as I could. I actually still have the video of it." Reborn looked at Tsuna " Can I see it?" Tsuna nodded and went to the Tv and pulled out a cd and put it in. He started playing it. It was a survalence tape showing Tsuna in a wheelchair hitting Lemitsu with a crutch while Lemitsu tried to calm his son down. In the corner you could see Hibari and Hiro stop talking and stare at the angry boy and hus father. After a while Tsuna put the crutch away and smiled at Lemitsu saying something that made Lemitsu pale and nod quickly. Reborn smirked as the video ended " what did you tell him?" Tsuna pouted " let me finish my story first. Okay so after a few minutes I got bored and cleaned the crutch and put it away. I turned to Papa and told him I knew what his job was and that if he ever dragged Hiro into it I would personally make him see all 7 levels of hell" Reborn could tell Tsuna was gonna do it. " And now that he's dragged your brother in. What are you going to do?" Tsuna smiled sweetly a little too sweetly " he's gonna see all seven levels of hell"

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