Chapter Fifteen

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"What are you doing here?" I asked firmly but not aggressively. I knew what he was capable of after hearing that voicemail Chester left me and I didn't want an angry man on my porch. But I'd be lying if I said that was the case. In reality, I just didn't want him to yell. I was afraid Chester would wake up. I didn't want him to face this, especially after his mom just came over. He isn't ready.

"I'm here for my son," He said briefly and I looked to him, showing I was incredibly confused considering he was the one who wanted to be rid of him in the first place. "I was called last night about a disturbance. Chester's mother was here and hasn't been caught. They told me to keep an eye out for her."

"That doesn't explain why you-"

"I feel he is safer from his mother with me," He interrupted and my breath was caught in my throat. I was speechless but angry. I still didn't want to shout so I tried keeping it internal. I tried to rationalize the situation in my head. 

Chester's dad never cared about him, from what I know. He's beaten and raped Chester numerous times. Chester's mother sexually abused him and is apparently obsessed with her son. Why would Mr. Bennington suddenly care about his safety? Maybe he doesn't. Perhaps Brian is in town and is trying to see Chester and Mr. B wants him away like Chester's mother does. I'm probably just being paranoid but maybe his parents are trying to keep Brian away from him, as he must have a piece in what's going on. 

"How is he safer with you?" I asked, finally calming down slightly. Though I was angry, I'd rather have answers than express myself. 

"Does it not occur to you that Chester's mother stayed away while the boy was with me? The boy hadn't seen her in years until he moved in with you. She'll stay away when he's under my roof."

"But he'll be hurt when he's with you," I objected. "I know just about everything you've done to Chester. You're a monster. He's safer away from you and his damn mother. Neither of you can hurt him when he's here. When she showed up, we protected him. We would've sacrificed ourselves before letting anything happen to him. He's apart of our family now and there is no way he's going back to you." 

"If only I knew you were so stubborn, Michael," A different voice said. I looked beyond Mr. Bennington and saw my dad, who stood beside him. "I would've thought things over more."

"Dad..." I trailed off, lost of words.

"Come home with me, Michael. Let Chester go home with his family and come home with me. You need a father figure."

"Why...?" Was all I could think to ask.

"Mr. Bennington and I ran into each other at the store. We each noticed the resemblance we had to you boys and started talking. He told me his dilemma, wanting his son back in his home, and I expressed the fact that I never had time with my son."

"I told him he should take back his boy, considering I'm taking Chester and you'll be in a state. It'll make the transition easier when you're already upset. Spend some time with your father," Mr. Bennington took over and I scowled at each of them.

"Fuck both of you! You beat Chester and rape him! There is absolutely no way he is going home with you! As for you," I shouted, turning to my dad. "You abandoned my mom, Jay, and me! You left us, we didn't leave you! Fuck you. Both of you. You've lost your chances."

"Mike, what's going on?" A soft voice asked, followed by a yawn but it quickly turned to a gasp. 

"D-dad," Chester stuttered, coming up beside me. I put an arm around him. 

"Chester, enough fooling around. You're coming home with me," He said, stepping forward and Chester immediately backed a little, me right beside him.

"G-go away," He croaked, tearing up. He buried his face into my shoulder and I looked to the two pathetic fathers.

"Just so you know, we're together," I lifted Chester's face and kissed him firmly before slamming the door shut, locking it. I took Chester over to the couch and set him down, holding his head between my hands. "Chester, look at me."

"W-why was he h-here?" He cried, his lip quivering.

"It's okay, Chester. Shh, everything will be alright. You know that?"


"Nothing can happen to you when I'm here."

"But what if you're not?" He said softly and I hugged him tightly.

"Than you run like hell. You get away from here. Find Brian, find me, mom, Jay, the guys... Anyone, Chaz. If I'm not here and you're in trouble, you go."

"I wouldn't be able to leave you," He looked into my eyes and I could've broke at how hurt he seemed but I knew I had to be strong for him. He needs this.

"Chester, your mom came here. She could've hurt you. Your dad came. He wanted to take you. You're in trouble, Chazzy, and it won't disappear as much as we want it to. I'm sorry. I wish this wasn't happening, especially to you, you don't deserve a damn thing that's happened to you. I'll be with you until the very end but I need you to promise me that if you're in danger, you will run," I said as seriously as I could and he let out a sob. I rocked his body back and forth, trying to calm him down. "Promise?"

"I-I promise, Mike. I promise," He swore and sniffled. "Y-your dad was here too..."

"That doesn't matter right now. Mom and I will sort it out. But right now, you need to calm down. Things are building up and it isn't going to get easier, Ches. I love you so please take care of yourself," I grabbed a blanket that was on the couch, letting go of him, and wrapping him in it. I managed to get him to sink onto the couch, laying down. He was asleep within moments. 

My mother came downstairs. She has no idea what happened but with her sense, she probably has an idea. She looked between Chester and I with a sad expression written across her face.

"I'll make cookies."

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