Chapter 1

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"Sebastian," the young boy called, his voice hoarse and raspy, strained. "Sebastian!"

The man, or butler rather, so named 'Sebastian' entered the room, with an elegant swiftness. Before him he pushed a trolley, on which clanked and rattled a china tea set. He wheeled the trolley to a stop by the door and approached the boy, bending down on one knee at his bedside. Even on his knee he still towered over the child, casting a shadow over him.

"Yes, my Lord," the butler replied to the boy's summoning. His voice was creamy and soft, and had an almost lyrical quality to it, like a lullaby. It travelled through the air like a silk scarf that caught the breeze.

"Are you feeling any worse? Do tell me you are alright?" The butler asked, his gentle tone conveying concern.

"I am fine," the boy snapped, an annoyed look passing over his small, white face. "I merely was wondering if my tea was prepared."

The boy let out a small fit of coughs, bringing his nimble hand over his pale lips to mask the sounds.

"Oh my, surely you are not fine," Sebastian spoke in a light voice, placing a gloved hand over the boy's forehead, "a cold is not something to be treated lightly, and you might just be running a fever."

The boy swatted his butler's hand away and folded his arms indignantly. "I am quite alright, I simply need to rest for a while. Now, for that tea?"

"Of course, young master."

The tall, pale butler rose to his feet and strolled over to the trolley. He poured a steamy, pleasant smelling cup of tea for the boy and handed it to him gingerly.

The boy took it in slightly trembling hands and held the cup to his lips, gulping down the liquid. "Hmm," he began, examining the contents of the cup, "is this not Earl Grey?"

"It is, I simply added some of my own herbs into it," the man with black hair said, "the tea will remedy your symptoms."

"Alright then," the boy nodded, taking another sip, "you may be dismissed then."

"What kind of butler would I be if I didn't stay by my young master's side in his time of illness?" Sebastian asked, placing his hand over his heart- or rather, where it was meant to be. "I fear I cannot leave."

"Damn demon," Ciel hissed, "I have already made it clear, I will be fine. I no longer require your assistance."

"Please allow me to stay, My Lord," the butler implored. "I have even brought something to keep you entertained."

"What-" the boy coughed, "could you mean by that?"

"I learned from Tanaka that when you were young and unwell you liked to be read to," Sebastian said. He crossed the room and withdrew a plush chair from the corner; he placed it by the boy's bedside.

"You cannot be serious," Ciel pressed his fingertips to his temples. "I am not a child, and I wish to be left alone."

"But I have brought a truly lovely tale for you," the butler pouted his lip slightly, flicking aside a lock of his black hair. "It would bring me the greatest pleasure to read it to you."

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