Few weeks later

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Amy p.o.v

It had been a few weeks since Sonic had been in the hospital and it didn't look good, he still hadn't woken up and didn't show any movement of waking up soon. I went and sat on a chair by him everyday at 1 , since I was his wife they let me. But the weird thing is that every time I came the chair was warm even tho the room was cold.

Violet still blames it all on her and we have all tried to tell her it isn't her fault but she is as stubborn as her dad. 

Today I decided to let Violet sleep in and go check on Sonic a hour early. When I was about to open the door a heard a voice from the other side so I put my ear to the door. "..if I was faster this wouldn't have happened...I just hope you make it if not th-" I leaded closer trying to listen but the door opened and I fell in.

I looked up to see Shadow sitting in the chair I always sit on when I come to check on Sonic. "Rose?!" He asked as his eyes widened "you don't come till 1" he said getting up and helping me up. "Shadow? So your the reason the chair is always warm when I come, you come and check on him!" I said pointing a finger at him.

He signed before looking at me "well he is like a brother to me" he mumbled looking back at Sonic who was connected with so much wires it made my eyes water. "How about you come to the house later, Maria is making a huge meal just for us and y'all.

"Sure Shadow, thank" I said with a small smile as he nodded then disappeared. I sat next to Sonic and held his hand in both of mine "everyone misses you Sonic, the Doctors say t-that y-you won't m-make I-" I bursted out crying and held his hand up to my forehead just crying.

After all my tears had dried out I kissed his forehead before leaving "see you tomorrow my love" I whispered as I least to go home. I walked home and saw my daughter and son sleeping on the couch , the tv was still on so I quickly went and turned it off I was heading to the kitchen when I heard a little voice behind me.

"Mommy how is daddy doing?" I turned to look at my little boy who had his eyes half open blinking slowly. I hated seeing him so sad "his doing fine honey, uncle Shadow invited us to go over later" I said with a smile trying to change the subject "yay!!" He said half asleep as he shaked Violet "hey Violet!! We're going to your boyfriend's house!!" He teases.

Violet jumped to life "he is not my boyfriend!" She growled giving him a glare "haha ok you too, go get ready to go" I laughed as I went to get ready.

In a hour I finally got Dash out the door and we left to Shadow's. We finally got there after holding Dash back from dashing off with his super speed. I knocked and midnight opened the door. "Hi Aunt " he said with a smile as he held the door open for us to enter  "what a gentlemen" Violet laughed as she walked true the door and Dash gave Midnight  a fist bump "hey Mid" he said with a cocky smile "want to race later?" He asked as Midnight nodded with a smirk "your on blue boy".

"Hey Maria" I said as I have her a hug "hey Amy ready to eat?" She asked with a giggle as I helped her serve the food.

After a while i was so full I couldn't move. "Thanks Maria it was great" I said as Shadow phone rang. With a smile he answered it "hello?"  ....." Yes this is Shadow"...."WHAT?!""....his face fell "STUPID HOSPITAL!! YALL CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT!!" He screamed before hanging up and looking at us. "Sonic's body is gone.."  With those 4 words My whole world shattered.

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