Who Knew

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Chapter 1:

"Take your fucking pick bitch." 

I picked up speed, my fists clenching as the guy threatened my sister.

"Hey!" I spat through clenched teeth, grasping the large man's shoulder and pulling him away from my little sister. He had her pressed against a fence, his hand curled around her hood. I glanced around them to notice pedestrians casually walking by, barely glancing towards the small girl being harassed in broad daylight.  Most of the people that did glance towards the scene barely reacted as if they thought it was a normal day in Detroit, Michigan. People make me fucking sick.

"Hey baby, if you wanna get handsy how about you wait until I'm done talking to this little shit," the guy's glazed eyes focused in on me, a nasty smirk perched on his lips as his eyes traveled up and down the length of my body. Disgusted I grabbed a hold of his prickly chin and yanked it up so his eyes met mine again. 

"That little "shit" is my fucking sister, idiot. You wanna speak to her like that you talk to me first," I replied through clenched teeth. He yanked his head out of my grasp, his eyes narrowing on me as he backed up into my sister further. 

He chuckled in a low voice, "And what you gonna do if I say no, kitten?" 

"How about we save that fun for later?" I replied smugly, placing a hand on my hip. I felt the two other guys he had with them check me out from their spots beside the main culprit I was glaring at. Turning my eyes to my little sister, my eyes softened. "Come here, Lily." 

She reacted immediately. She hurriedly tried to scurry around the guys, but was stopped by the one on the right placing his hands on her shoulder and yanking her to his chest. My eyes snapped up to his and my voice lowered.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Oh the girls feisty, we like that," the guy on the left commented, chuckling darkly. 

"You have no business with my sister. Get your nasty ass hands off of her," I spoke in a low voice. My eyes drifted to Lily who had tears running down her cheeks silently, shaking under the man's grasp.

"You see kitten, we have to make it around here. Either your fucking sister gives up her money or we will make her," the guy in the middle connected his eyes with mine and darkened as a threat. Nodding my head stiffly, I glanced back at Lily.

"Lily baby, give them your money," I said sternly, ignoring the guys that now had smug looks plastered on their faces. Lily looked at me in disbelief, opening her mouth to protest but closing it immediately. Lily knew when we were in these type of situations to always let me handle it and make the decisions. 

Sadly, she reached into her jean pocket and produced the crisp hundred dollar bill she had received for her birthday several days ago. I always told Lily to never carry around that much money, but she was so excited to buy this video camera she saw in the mall one day and I promised her I'd take her there to get it. She was the happiest I had seen her in a long time as we walked to the small mall in our town. Seeing her crushed look as she handed the guys her money broke my heart into a million pieces. 

The guy let go of my sister, but shoved her in my direction. My sister's feet caught themselves together in a tangle and she flat faced it on the hard cement. I looked up angrily at the man that had pushed her and noticed that all three of them were laughing hysterically. Clenching my fists, I bent down and helped my sister to her feet. Blood gushed from her nose and a nasty bump was already rising on her forehead.

"Listen here you dickheads, we gave you the money was that necessary?" 

The man that pushed her thought about it then nodded, "Yeah."

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