1. The Attack

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Hey my name is Jacob, this isn't my first attempt at a nuzlocke or writing but I don't have too much experience with either. I started another nuzlocke on here a long time ago but I lost my Ipad and I never finished it so I'm
hoping I can finish this one. so I hope you enjoy my new nuzlocke!
I had just recently moved into Littleroot Town when everything went wrong. Maybe a week or less. I'd already met mostly everyone that lived in the town but I've never seen anything outside of the gates. The town was peaceful, our mayor, Professor Birch who also was known as the Pokemon Professor kept everything in order and he was good at it too. He had a daughter named May who was my neighbor. We quickly became good friends since there was no one else our age. One day Birch went on a routine trip outside the gate to keep working on his study trial on the traits of different level Pokemon and I guess he didn't return home because the next day is when the bombs started.

When the first bomb hit, I thought it was just my head. My mom didn't say anything and neither did I. When the second bomb hit, the whole house shook. My mom collapsed and then looked up at me in what looked like confusion and shock. I ran outside to see that the gate collapsed. There was smoke flooding into the town along with all of the Pokemon from route 101. Wild Pokemon. Known to be very aggressive when angered. They were coming in fast too. I looked around for May and the rest of her family but the wild Pokemon had already rushed into her house. If she was still in there then there was no chance she would be alive. I rushed back home to grab my mom.

"We have to go. Now!"

I had no idea who was doing this but it wasn't important at the time. As soon as were about run out a wild Poochyena wandered into our house. It noticed us and then charged but it was met halfway by a Mudkip. The Mudkip continued to fight the Poochyena until it flew until a wall. More wild Pokemon started trying to get in. Knowing that the Mudkip couldn't take them all out, I picked him up and ran. As I was leaving with my mom and I heard someone call out for me.


I turned to see that it was the Poochyena limping towards me.

"Please, I didn't mean to attack you. I'm scared I don't know what's going on. Take me with you."

I looked at him nervously and saw that Pokemon started to flood in through every opening in the house. I put the Mudkip down and ran to the Poochyena.

"Mudkip! Cover me!"

The Mudkip ran up beside me and started doing as much damage as he could. I picked up the Poochyena and we all left. My mom was already at the gate waiting for us. We all grouped up and ran towards route 101.
Everything calmed down for us there. There were no Pokemon so it was a calm and quiet walk.

"Jason" the Mudkip muttered.

"Huh?" I asked.

"My name. It's Jason. I imagine we'll be seeing a lot of each other now so I think it would be best if we knew each other."

"Nice to meet you Jason. I'm Jacob. And you are?" I asked looking at the Poochyena.

"Ari" he replied.

We made it to Oldale Town which to our surprise, was a refugee camp set up for survivors. I don't understand how it could've been set up so quickly so we went to the Health Center and talked to the worker there.

"Oh that's funny, you think this has only happened in Littleroot? This is happening all over the region. You're lucky it took this long to reach you guys. I don't recommend leaving. It's safe here. Not so much anywhere else."

We walked around the small camp to see if anyone made it out to find May with her family. We all stayed the night in the Health Center and in the morning I woke up to see that May was missing. Her mom then woke and began to freak out. There was a note left on her pillow and all it said was:

"I'm going to find dad, I'll be okay. love you -May"

Her mom began to sob in fear.

"Look Jason and Ari, I know we've just met but May is a good friend of mine and I won't be able to find her alone. What do you say? Wanna help me find her?" I asked.

Ari nodded along with Jason and I gave a small smile.

"Well alright then. Let's head out."

So that's the end of my first chapter, I hope it was enjoyable for just the first chapter. Sadly I accidentally killed a Zigzagoon on route 103 so nothing from there but it's all good. Once again I hope you enjoyed and if you have any feedback please let me hear it! Thank you!
- Jacob
Name: Jason
Species: Mudkip
Gender: Male
Level: 5-8
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Lax

Name: Ari
Species: Poochyena
Gender: Male
Level: 2
Ability: Run Away
Nature: Hasty

Only 1 Pokemon per route
No duplicates
When a Pokemon faints you can no longer use it
No grinding
Once you beat the league you can bring one Pokemon back from the dead

Pokemon: 2 Deaths: 0

Keep in mind these rules are my personal rules so you may not agree with them but if you have any other rules that would make the game more fun or challenging please let me know! Thank you!

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